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-Natalie Gibecki, a counselor at a youth probation facility was strangled and killed. Jane deduces from her wardrobe that she was meeting a married lover.

-Erica Flynn who Jane helped imprison for manslaughter knew Natalie and offers to help find the killer if she can get a temporary release from prison. Jane pushes for the plan. Lisbon hates it but Wainwright approves.

-Erica tries to seduce Jane.  They share a kiss but he leaves.

-Erica finds Natalie's married lover, Richard at her previous job. It's a charity that builds orphanages. 

-Jane and Erica work the charity's fundraiser to find that the murderer is Natalie's former boss. She confronted him when she found out he was embezzling money and hadn't built the orphanage. He killed her to protect his secret.

-Erica manages to escape on the way back to prison. She calls Jane from a tropical island and tells him she hopes they'll meet again.

-Rigsby proposes to Sarah after they take a child birth class.  She turns him down saying they aren't ready for that step. They are both relieved.

The Mentalist
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The Mentalist Season 4 Episode 15 Quotes

Using a convict to catch a killer. It's synergy.


You look good. Orange suits you.
