Killjoys Season 1 Episode 4 Review: Vessel

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"Nuns with Guns" was a fun way to push Killjoys Season 1 Episode 4, but it was far more complex than that.

Though early reviews labeled Killjoys a sort of "Blade Runner light," I honestly feel it has come into its own. I no longer think of that film, or Firefly for that matter, when discussing this series. The showrunners have done a great job establishing their world.

We need to try to approach a brand new television show with an open mind and allow the creators to take us on their journey. Otherwise, we'll continue to lose great programming. Syfy's truly stepped up their game, let's show them a bit of appreciation.

The chase through Old Town was exciting, but it didn't connect to the rest of the installment. Basically, the team was "smoothing out the kinks of working together." D'avin's first catch ended up a gooey bloody mess. Bellus had the best line, "You're getting Enzo all over my desk." I really do enjoy her clever comebacks. Shout out to Nora McLellan who steals her scenes.

Anyway, the moment "The Nine" was mentioned you just knew this warrant was going to mean trouble. Again, I keep hearing that Killjoys is fun, but light on anything else. I have to disagree. Once you watch past the pilot an intricate world develops, and the politics are fascinating. Sure, there are archetypes, but they quickly evolve into characters we love and are invested in.

Take Dutch for instance. While we're meant to believe Khlyen trained her as an assassin, it now appears she's either royalty or one of The Nine. That instrument Delle Seyah took note of is a major clue, trust me.

Speaking of Delle Seyah Kendry, what a piece of work she was. It seems like we're going to see her again, and I'm looking forward to that.

Delle Seyah: I need you to transport a young woman to Qresh. Provided you can keep your lovers in check.
Dutch: Pardon?
Delle Seyah: This girl rarely encounters men. It's critical she's kept unmolested.
Dutch: I think my lovers can handle that.

Wasn't it interesting that The Nine found childbirth to be an unnecessary risk? Enter the Leithian vessels and this installment's mission. Politics is a nasty business, no matter how you slice it or dice it. I'm enjoying learning the ins and outs of The Quad. It's well thought out, and anyone who says otherwise simply isn't paying attention.

We learned that the doctor D'av is looking for is named Pim Jaegar. Does he know more about her than he's letting on? It's also possible he can't recall too much about her due to some kind of memory wipe. Keep in mind, The Company had a kill warrant out on D'avin in Killjoys Season 1 Episode 1. Johnny really seems to be the one with the least issues. Wouldn't it be hysterical if things suddenly flipped?

Alvis reappeared this week to share a little intel. The Scarbacks add yet another compelling layer to this world. I have a feeling when push comes to shove, Dutch will take Alvis' side in a civil war. Unless of course, she learns she's royalty. See how great it is to speculate and just let your imagination run wild? It's a shame so many "reviewers" choose to watch television through such a narrow lens.

Sadly, Lucy was sidelined this week because, "Bad air makes ship go boom," as Dutch put it. The rambler was cool though, so I can't complain too much. Then we met the infamous nuns and their guns.

My team's job is to transport people. We're very good at it. I can keep Constance safe.


The team really started to gel nicely on this mission. Wasn't it great the way D'avin made it a point to learn all the girl's names? He's the one character I hadn't warmed up to, but after seeing his softer side this week I like the guy.

Our resident gadget guru rushed off to fix the security system. Unfortunately, the more we learned about Jenny, the less likely her chances of survival. Yeah I knew she was a goner, but at least she went out a hero. I did enjoy hearing Jenny's story, which helped us better understand the surrogates point of view.

From day one, the series has maintained a nice balance between the action sequences and the personal moments. This installment was no exception, and it didn't stall for a second. Didn't it feel like it was over in the blink of an eye? I'm also enjoying Dark Matter, but that's a much slower burn. The energy throughout a Killjoys episode is electric and I really appreciate that.

Constance turned out to be pretty ballsy. I'm thrilled to be hooked on a show with strong female characters.

Constance: Being a vessel is my calling and it matters to me. Mother Sal doesn't get a say in that and neither do you.
Dutch: Okay, good.
Constance: I want to finish this. For the baby and for me. Will you help us?
Dutch: I'm no quitter either.

How impressive was the surrogates arsenal? What about Constance taking the adrenaline shot and busting out of that tunnel like Arnold Schwarzenegger. This series is so damn entertaining, it just has to come back for another run. The music is kickass too, isn't it? For the first time in ages, I find myself looking up the artists and their tracks.

In the end, the Killjoys reached Qresh, but were being denied airspace access. Dutch deduced that the assassins were probably Qreshi royal guard, and one of The Nine families wanted the baby dead. I loved that Dutch took a stand and got in Delle Seyah's face. It seemed Dutch had made a new enemy, but Delle Seyah said she liked her. What will she dig up about Dutch's past? I can't wait to find out.

Constance was allowed to stay in the child's life as his nanny. By raising a Qreshi leader that understands Leith, old prejudices inevitably die off. It make take generations, but you've got to start somewhere. We humans are such self interested and complicated creatures.

Hey, at least D'avin promised to keep things platonic with Dutch. There's so much going on already, a love triangle is not only unnecessary but it would become a total distraction. Luckily the cast has reassured us there are zero love triangles.

So what did you think of "Vessel"? Were you able to follow all the political maneuvering? Will Delle Seyah uncover something interesting about Dutch's past? What do you think of D'av now? Your turn guys, please share your thoughts with me!

NOTE: Killjoys Season 1 Episode 5 is titled “A Glitch in the System” and airs on Friday, July 17.

Vessel Review

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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

My team's job is to transport people. We're very good at it. I can keep Constance safe.


Delle Seyah: I need you to transport a young woman to Qresh. Provided you can keep your lovers in check.
Dutch: Pardon?
Delle Seyah: This girl rarely encounters men. It's critical she's kept unmolested.
Dutch: I think my lovers can handle that.