Supergirl Season 3 Episode 6 Review: Midvale

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The bond between Alex and Kara has always been the most compelling aspect of the series. 

Their relationship is the centerpiece, and on Supergirl Season 3 Episode 6 we learned just how it came to be. 

Unfortunately, it took a tragedy to bring them together, but at least something good came out of it. 

Telescope - Supergirl Season 3 Episode 6

Kara has endured so much loss in her life that it's quite amazing that she's adjusted to Earth as well as she has. We know it's largely thanks to Alex and Eliza, but could you imagine what she would be like if she and Alex had never bonded?

Kenny's death was tragic. He was Kara's only friend, and losing him at that point in her life could have changed who she became. Tragedies have a way of bringing people together, and that's exactly what it did for the Danvers sisters, but if that hadn't happened, what would their relationship be like today?

Eliza's worried about Kara more than Alex because Kara is the one who closes herself off. After losing Mon-El, she shut down for six months, and Alex even called her out on that. 

She does that now, even with the support system she has, so it's not hard to believe that if Alex hadn't been there for her after Kenny died, that she would have been completely alone. 

It could have lead to an entirely different story for Kara. Who knows, perhaps instead of being a superhero, she would have become a super villain. 

Young Kara at School - Supergirl Season 3 Episode 6

Sure, it seems unlikely, because even back then all Kara wanted to do was help people like her cousin Clark was doing. Still, it doesn't always take much for a person to sway to the dark side. 

We're about to witness this with Sam. 

Right now, as far as we know, Sam is a good person. She's a caring mom and hard worker, and there doesn't appear to be an evil bone in her body, 

Yet, we know she's going to end up being the villain Reign. We don't know how or why, but we know it's coming. 

It's pretty obvious the writers are trying to show us how Kara and Sam's paths could have easily gone the other way. They have similar backgrounds and abilities, but somewhere along the line, their experiences shaped their paths. 

Kara's a superhero, defending National City with the help of her family and friends, while Sam is alone discovering abilities and having creepy dreams with no one to help her understand them. 

Sam is scared and has no idea what is happening to her. She wants to ignore it and hope it will go away, but that's not going to happen. 

Kara learned very quickly what the repercussions of using her powers and risking exposure were. She nearly lost Alex twice and decided that it wasn't worth the risk. Sam may not get that choice. 

I think she's going to make a mistake and hurt someone by accident, maybe even Ruby, and that's going to be what pushes her over the edge. 

Coffee Break - Supergirl Season 3 Episode 6

As for the Danvers sisters, it looks like they're going to be okay. 

Alex is going to need time to get over Maggie of course, but we also just started to get Kara back to her happy place. It would be tough to have to watch Alex in despair for several episodes, too. 

They have to do the relationship justice, but it was still good to see Alex and Kara singing in the car on the way home. As Eliza said, she's not as closed off as Kara, so that moment was hope that she's letting Kara in to help her through this. 

It's hard seeing the two of them in pain, but when it gives us such incredible moments of support between them, it makes it worth it.

Okay, you are edging on mean drunk, and I only signed up for sad drunk.


Besides, Alex can't just drink all of her pain away. It probably won't stop her from trying though. It's her crutch. 

Eliza is such an amazing mom. Seriously, she has to be one of the most loving, supportive moms on TV. Who wouldn't want to go home to her in their time of need?

She'll make you coffee and stay up with you all night, and she won't send you home empty-handed. 

Eliza: I made coffee in case this turns into a teary all-nighter.
Kara: You don't have to stay up.
Eliza: Well, this is the mom fine print. When your child's in agony, you show up regardless the hour.

If they can find ways to bring her back more often, I'm all for it. 

With this being all about the Danvers sisters, we didn't get to see the rest of the regulars, but we did get one incredibly sweet J'onn moment. 

It was so cute that he came to talk to Kara about her powers as an FBI agent who happened to look exactly like her mom. I wonder if she's since figured out that was J'onn. 

At that time when she was missing her home more than ever, he gave her exactly what she needed. 

So what did you guys think of young Kara and young Alex? Were you satisfied with the sister-centric story, or were you disappointed we didn't get to see more of them in the present?

Are you ready for Mon-El's return? 

If you need to catch up, you can watch Supergirl online

Midvale Review

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Rating: 3.7 / 5.0 (120 Votes)

Stacy Glanzman was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in March, 2019.

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Supergirl Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

Eliza: I made coffee in case this turns into a teary all-nighter.
Kara: You don't have to stay up.
Eliza: Well, this is the mom fine print. When your child's in agony, you show up regardless the hour.

Okay, you are edging on mean drunk, and I only signed up for sad drunk.
