The Conners Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Landford... Landford

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Darlene's deceit came back to haunt her from all directions on The Conners Season 2 Episode 4 and even though it hurt to watch, it's difficult to say she didn't deserve it. 

Darlene has been lying for weeks to Ben, to David, to her kids, and most importantly to herself.

It was such a relief when Jackie finally made her see the light by reading her own text messages.

Making a Decision - The Conners

But, in many ways, the damage had already been done as Darlene's life had spiraled into something akin to an episode of The Bachelorette

Darlene: Is this Bachelor, Bachelorette, or Bachelor in Paradise? I have no idea what I’m watching.
Jackie: Who cares? It’s five good looking people in a hot tub with no clothes and no morals looking for true love.

As many suspected, Darlene was with David because it felt comfortable. He's her first love, the father of her children and a connection to her past. 

Even Roseanne loved David and with Darlene's mother gone, perhaps this explains part of her desire to give her relationship with David another chance.

But as that flashback to their teenage selves illustrated, the dynamic between David and Darlene has never been healthy, and it hasn't really changed much over the decades.

David: Darlene, by controlling the relationship you’ve always kept me at arm’s length and I think I’ve known that for a long time but until I came here I was too weak to ask for what I needed. I needed partnership. I needed true intimacy. I needed to be heard.
Darlene: I heard you.
David: I don’t think you’ve heard me since I was 15.

Darlene Attends Therapy - The Conners Season 2 Episode 4

The breakup blindsided Darlene, who had hoped to use the therapy session to break up with her ex and found him using it for the same purpose. 

In a couple of months, David has gone from begging Darlene to come back to him to realize that he needed something more and it was time to move on. 

The Conners Season 2 Episode 1 Review: Preemies, Weed, and Infidelity

As much as it hurt, it was good that he decided for himself instead of having Darlene make it for both of them. And thank goodness he said he was going to continue to be a hands-on father to their kids because given David's history, I was concerned he might take off again. 

To give Darlene credit where it is due, she did decide to come clean about her betrayal with Ben, even though it was far too little and much too late.

Did they figure it out? Did Ben kick David’s ass? Did David cry? Did Ben look hot when he did it?


Surprising News - The Conners Season 2 Episode 4

Ben's no fool. He's bent over backward to understand what Darlene has been going through after losing her mom and trying to be there for her Dad. 

But it only took one look at Darlene's guilty face for it dawn on him that the reason she didn't move in with him was that she's been cheating on him with David.

That realization had to be a punch in the gut. 

On the upside, Darlene and Ben will still be working together and although that might make life miserable for both of them in the short-term, it should be entertaining for viewers.

And in the long-term, with any luck, it might give Darlene a chance to earn back Ben's trust and rebuild their relationship. 

Harris' Slinky Outfit - The Conners Season 2 Episode 4

Darlene hasn't only done damage to Ben. Harris hasn't taken away anything good from this situation either.

When Harris blackmailed Darlene with her lies, Darlene completely caved. No wonder the teen was getting high with her new friend and not even bothering to lock her bedroom door. 

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Oddly enough, what bothered me, even more, was both Darlene and David allowing Harris to steal Mark's Orange Crush. 

Only in Lanford would the motto, "Lanford, Free, Proud, and Getting Cleaner" win first prize but Mark at least deserved his parents to make sure he got his soda. 

Elsewhere, Becky was dealing with issues of her own.

Taking Out the Recycling - The Conners Season 2 Episode 4

Becky's desperately trying to support herself and her child and no one can fault her for that. 

Is being a bartender the best job for an alcoholic? Probably not, but I couldn't argue with Becky's logic. 

She's under stress and surrounded by alcohol at home as much as at work. She's either going to drink or she's not. 

If being a bartender means she'll make more money then perhaps it will alleviate some of her stress, but the choice to drink is hers, and the struggle isn't going away.

But it was Dan Connor who delivered my favorite The Conners quote of the episode...

Louise and Dan - The Conners Season 2 Episode 4

Everybody wants me out of their life until they have to move back into my house which I thank God I have to give you but this family, we’re not blessed with the best of luck and I’m running out of nets to save you.


I've said it before. Dan is the hero without a cape. 

He has always been there for his family doing the best he can, even if things don't always work out the way he hopes they will. 

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As much as Dan is allowed to offer advice, this has to be Becky's decision and, like it or not, they both have to live with the uncertainties.

So what do you think TV Fanatics?

What did you think about David being the one to call it quits with Darlene? Will this be Darlene and David's last break up?

Does Darlene have any chance of winning Ben back or is that relationship truly over?

Is Harris headed down a dark and dangerous road now that Darlene has lost her respect?

Is working as a bartender simply too risky for Becky?

And isn't it time Jackie finally dealt with her lack of a life of her own and what she wants to do about it?

Check back for my review of The Conners Season 2 Episode 5 and until then, you can watch The Conners online here at TV Fanatic.


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That required a bit of a change to the comments, though, and now you have to click the blue "comments" bar at the bottom of an article to access them. 

There are also two segments to comments now. You can either comment using Facebook or Disqus. Either way, you can SEE both types of comments. We hope that will be more inclusive of our community at large and that the conversations will grow as a result.

Landford... Landford Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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The Conners Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

You know what’s more stressful than having a baby? Not having enough money to raise one.


Darlene: Is this Bachelor, Bachelorette, or Bachelor in Paradise? I have no idea what I’m watching.
Jackie: Who cares? It’s five good looking people in a hot tub with no clothes and no morals looking for true love.