Legacies Season 2 Episode 16 Review: Facing Darkness is Kinda My Thing

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For what might be a season finale, Legacies Season 2 Episode 16 was an underwhelming affair. 

Hope's mission to Josie's Once Upon a Time-like subconscious made for some great visuals, but the resolution was too easy to take seriously. 

If you watch Legacies online, you know these characters have been put in impossible situations, but always seem to wriggle free when it seems like there are going to be consequences. 

Looking Over - Legacies

Josie hiding inside the pig because she felt like she couldn't deal with being strong was quite the surprise, but there should have been a bigger battle between her and her darker alter ego. 

The Dark Josie arc seems to be over ... for now. I'm not opposed to her dark side popping up in a similar way to the Evil Queen did on Once Upon a Time. Let's face it, that's what the writers were going for with "Facing Darkness is Kinda My Thing."

Since my friend M.G. is immortal, he may never get a eulogy, but I am now convinced that everyone should hear their own eulogy, so here goes. The story of M.G. He was the son of a preacher and a shady government operative. He kept what was good from each and let go of the bad. He had his own demons, but even when they chased him into the dark, he never stayed there. Instead, he danced like a sparkler, and smiled like the sun. He wrote a new story every day, and reminded me to always find the light.


Josie has been a tough nut to crack because she has persisted in pushing her feelings to the side in favor of others. Now that she realizes that she can be strong if she wants to be, her arc should develop beyond the same recurring storylines. 

Taking a break from magic may be a good thing to give her the confidence she needs to move on with her life in a manner that she wants to. 

A Pebble in Time - Legacies Season 2 Episode 16

Control has always been an illusion to Josie, but now that she is taking her fate into her own hands, she's going to change the way she feels about things. 

I liked that even though Josie was seen as a damsel in distress by Hope in this fairytale world, Josie saved herself from her dark side. I only wish there was more darkness involved because it played out a way that was too safe for me, almost like it should have been on Disney Channel. 

Lizzie's faux funeral was fun -- at first. The moment everyone tried to reiterate that it needed to look real, I zoned out. There's no longer a logical reason to have Caroline away from the action. 

The merge is over, and it's time she returned to Mystic Falls to help raise her children. The show has tried and tried to make use believe Caroline being away is for the greater good, but without Candace King as part of the cast, they should have never gone with the funeral plot. 

Hope in Red - Legacies Season 2 Episode 16

Yes, it brought the comical elements of the show to the forefront, but it was difficult to believe we were supposed to believe this is was a real funeral. 

From the lack of parents, to the shoddily produced farewell video, to the overzealous eulogy, it was a hot mess. Legacies has been known to be much lighter than The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, but my enjoyment was ruined quickly due to the funeral. 

The only positive is that it successfully brought MG and Lizzie closer together. Their friendship is one of the highlights of the series, but they've been stuck in an unnecessary pattern of arguing for no apparent reason of late. 

I know this is a fairytale and all, but a nonconsensual kiss is never the answer.


Allow them to move on from this as friends. MG will never stop pining for Lizzie, but if Lizzie still hasn't noticed the connection between them, then she doesn't deserve him. 

Will they/won't they type storylines are tricky to pull off, and when it is clear one party is simply not interested, there's only so long viewers will continue to be invested. It's like beating a dead horse with those two. 

Lizzie Listens - Legacies Season 2 Episode 6

Rafael turning to Alaric was perfectly natural, but the Necromancer agreeing to set the students free was another example of the show not taking any risks. We had Landon, Alyssa, and Rafael confirmed dead on Legacies Season 2 Episode 15

Bringing two of them back on this installment, and leaving Landon's fate up for debate for longer is simply not good storytelling. 

Landon is a Phoenix, and part the central romance of the show with Hope, so it's hilarious to think that we're supposed to believe he's dead. 

This harkens back to my piece about Legacies playing it too safe. The show is not taking nearly enough risks to be considered a worthy successor to the shows that came before it. 

Every time it feels like we're getting somewhere, a silly plot is introduced that takes away from some of the good stuff. It's a shame because the potential of the storyline is being squandered on needless drama. 

MG Dances - Legacies Season 2 Episode 5

Hope venturing in Josie's mind was a Hope thing to do, but I'm more intrigued to find out where her mind is at now. Wherever she is, it has to be linked to Malivore and how Landon was felled by the golden arrow. 

They need to connect the dots somehow, but we may have to wait a long time to get answers on that front. This was the last episode of Legacies filmed before production was shut down. 

I was afraid of being strong. I thought being strong meant hurting Lizzie. I told myself that being powerful meant being evil, but it doesn’t. Hope is strong, and she’s good. You made a story — I made a story — where I was powerless. But that’s not true!


That means four episodes are unproduced and will either air later this season if production picks back up in time, or as part of Legacies Season 3. 

What did you think of the resolution of the Dark Josie arc? Are you surprised the Necromancer set Alyssa and Rafael free? What will become of Hope and Landon. 

Facing Darkness is Kinda My Thing Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Legacies Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes

I was afraid of being strong. I thought being strong meant hurting Lizzie. I told myself that being powerful meant being evil, but it doesn’t. Hope is strong, and she’s good. You made a story — I made a story — where I was powerless. But that’s not true!


I know this is a fairytale and all, but a nonconsensual kiss is never the answer.
