Blair: I can't believe you're okay with this.
Eleanor: Who said I am okay with this? What am I supposed to do; make a scene? Behave like a pathetic, scorned wife? No!
Blair: Roman doesn't even know how to ice skate. Can't you escort him out of the park on the way to your meeting? Maybe drop him off a nail salon...

Eleanor: Roman, it is going to be so dull for you to sit and watch them skate...
Blair: Yes! Why don't you go to the petting zoo and feed the sheep?
Roman: Why don't I join you in the rink? It looks fun.
Harold: Wonderful!
Roman: Yes! Super!
Harold: I'll get you skates.
Blair: Super.

Blair: I cannot believe that daddy decided to stay with Roman, instead of having tea at the Carlyle with me. The ER doctor said he would make a full recovery. Everything is ruined.
Eleanor: What makes you say that? You and I had a marvelous time.
Blair: Well, I'm sorry, mother. It's just not the same. I don't understand how that French fox stole my father and your husband, and always seems to come off like an innocent lamb.
Eleanor: Roman was not always so innocent, you know?
Blair: Really? What's the story?
Eleanor: When I first met him, he was going out with this model named Freddy. And Freddy was a horrible scoundrel.
Blair: Roman would actually be into somebody like that?
Eleanor: Into him? He was actually infatuated with him. Freddy had him in some kind of spell. I was the one who got him to break out and turn his life around. Don't mention Freddy to your father. It is a sore subject.
Blair: Okay. What was Freddy's last name?

Chuck: (voicemail) Leave a message and I might listen to it.
Blair: Chuck! You are not answering my calls. To torture me, I am sure. But, please! For the love of God, do not tell anybody about us. Okay? Please? Please.

Blair: You know, I called you about an hour ago, BTW. You're late.
Serena: Um, you're lucky I'm even here at all. It's Christmas Eve and I still haven't found a gift for Dan. Now, all the stores are closing and I'm totally screwed. Do you have any idea what you can buy for under $50 these days?
Blair: I don't know. A single entrée in a mid-price restaurant? Three-quarters of a DVD box set? Maybe a pair of Wilfrid stockings?
Serena: Oh, stockings! Yes! Great idea for Dan! Blair, please, this is serious.
Blair: I don't know, why don't you buy him a gold money for $49.99. He won't know the difference.

Blair: (after threatening Vanessa to back off Dan) I'm going to go check on my daddy!
Serena: I thought you were going to help.
Blair: I think my work's done here.

Blair: There's no room in your life for me anymore.
Harold: Sweetheart, there is always room for you. No matter where I am. No matter who I'm with.

Blair: What's going on?
Harold: We're back for Christmas.
Blair: Well, Roman, you are in for a treat because, the Waldorf Christmas is like no other.

Blair: (giving Dorota a phone) Merry Christmas, Dorota! So we can text. Do you like it?
Dorota: Thank you, Miss Blair.

I think you like Dan a little too much. But I should let you know, someone's watching. Merry Christmas!

Blair: [considering Nate's offer] The Prince will understand. Maybe we should go to the ball together... as friends.
Nate: Absolutely.
Blair: But only as friends.
Nate: Just friends.

Nate, after what you pulled on my birthday, the only thing we should be doing together is moving on.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.