Lana: You're looking for Predator aren't you? A, he's invisible.
Archer: Not totally, he has a tall tell shimmer.

On your knees, hands behind your head, and toss out that weapon! But not in that order.

Lana: What are your three biggest fears?
Archer: Getting stuck on a boat with you three times.

Lana: Don't take this the wrong way, but i'm trying to figure out how you're going to be an effective field agent.
Ray: Interesting coming from a woman.

Cheryl: Think about someone else for once in your life.
Lana: And that's her saying that.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and murders a bunch of its fellow ducks...

Lana: Right about here is the part where I hold you responsible.
Archer: Oh my God, the burden.

Malory: Have the porter bring me a cobb salad.
Lana: Before or after we capture the dangerous terrorist?
Malory: Before.

Cyril: I only have two eyes and they were looking for hunters.
Lana: Why, is it pumpkin season?
Cyril: Is that a thing?

Lana: I think Conway is totally up to something.
Archer: Duh! You think I'm an idiot? I know he wants to marry mother and have her cut me out of the will. Which is why I'm going to kill him.

Somehow we're in a crazy universe where bonuses are based on merit and not whether you crawled out of your mother.

Krieger: I needed help disseminating him.
Cheryl: Eww!
Pam: Not what it means.
Lana: Still pretty gross though.

Archer Quotes

KGB (Crenshaw): This may be old cliche, but... we have ways of making you talk.
Archer: What, your little go-kart battery?
KGB (Crenshaw): Golf cart.
Archer: Whatever. Would you pick an accent and stick with it?

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
