Jace: You care to find out who's the best J.C. once and for all?
[They arm their weapons]
Jonathan: It would be my absolute delight.
[They begin fighting]

Simon: You don't want things to end well, do you? You want war?
Seelie Queen: I want change. And you, Daylighter. Join me in my court, give me what I ask, and I'll grant you whatever your heart desires.
Simon: Thanks, but no thanks, your Highness.
[He starts to leave]
Seelie Queen: You've refused me twice now. No one in my very long life has ever dared do such a thing.
Simon: Well, considering you're trying to get vampires, warlocks and werewolves to play nice, might wanna get used to some rejection.

Raphael: I'm truly sorry for everything. Our worlds turn against each other...it's not quite how I pictured our paths would cross again.
Isabelle: How did you picture it?
Raphael: I made a mistake, Isabelle. And whatever there is between us, it's not just about craving each other's blood.
Isabelle: I know...I know.
Raphael: Well, if there's any good at being at the brink of war, it's being able to stand in front of you.

Clary: What if the mirror I destroyed isn't the Mortal Mirror?
Jace: Why would your mom give it to the warlocks to protect?
Clary: Maybe she thought it was. We all did. Maybe whoever made it wanted it that way?
Isabelle: To distract people from finding the real one...
Jace: Well, the legend says the Mirror is not meant to be easily found. The angels hold the key.
[Clary remembers her vision]
Clary: The water. It's a reflection.
Jace: What water? What are you talking about?
Clary: I didn't destroy the Mirror. These visions I've been having...they're a message from the angels. The Mirror is Lake Lin.

Clary: If you have to leave, hold this for at least 30 seconds.
"Sebastian": I was just wondering actually, if you caught Jonathan, you wouldn't kill him, would you?
Clary: I used to believe that Jonathan could be saved, but after what he did to Elliot, and Dot, and now Max, I'll kill him with my bare hands if that's what it takes.
Sebastian: Well then...shall we?
[Holds the stone]

Russell: The rule is to the death.
Luke: Time for new rules.
[The wolves bow down to Luke]

Alec: Magnus, I love you.
Magnus: I love you too. But as a leader, there are difficult decisions I need to make to ensure the survival of my people. The only thing holding me back from doing that...is you.
Alec: No, no.
Magnus: I can't have both.
Alec: Yes, you can. We can. Magnus...we can figure this out.
Magnus: You once asked me what I'm afraid of...it's this.
[He walks away from Alec]

Jonathan: My sister is different.
Valentine: Yes, she is. If you had the chance to meet Clarissa, spend some time with her.
Jonathan: So, you're acting like I'll never see her again?
Valentine: Of course you will. You have my word. One day we will all be together as a family. But right now...right now I need you to trust me.
Jonathan: Trust you? It goes both ways.
[Pulls out Valentine's dagger]
Jonathan: I found this under your pillow.
Valentine: Force of habit...that's all.
Jonathan: Is it?
Valentine: I'm a wanted man, I must always be prepared. Soon I will no longer be regarded as the enemy; I will be seen as a hero. So will you. Isn't that what you want?
Jonathan: Yes. Yes, it is.
Valentine: Good. We're gonna achieve great things, Jonathan.

Max: What are you doing?
"Sebastian": Hey! Buddy. Don't mind me. I'm just looking for something for the boss. How's the training going? What's the matter?
[Max lifts up a glowing strand of hair]
Max: I found a single hair at the bottom of the box. You're him. You're Jonathan.

Clary: Jace thinks my brother is a lost cause, so...
"Sebastian": What do you think?
Clary: I mean I understand he has demon blood. I know what he's capable of, but he's my brother. God, it's stupid, right?
Sebastian: No. No, God it's not stupid at all.
Clary: I mean if there is any humanity left in him; shouldn't we at least try to save him?
Sebastian: I think so.
[He kisses her]
Clary: Sebastian!
Sebastian: I'm sorry, I was stupid.
Clary: It's just...I'm not.
Sebastian: Look, I get it. I just want you to know that I will...I'll always be there for you, Clary. Whatever you need.

Simon: Let's get back to work, young Padawan.
[They look at him weird]
Simon: What? Don't tell me you don't know what a Jedi is?
Max: Ummm...
Simon: Izzy, what type of trainer are you? This is important stuff. Last one back to the boat base is a Gonk droid.
[He bumps into Maia]
Maia: Hey.
Simon: Hey.
Max: Are all vampires this weird?
Isabelle: Definitely not.

Maia: That's really sweet of you, but I can't. I'm busy.
Simon: I didn't give you a date yet.
Maia: Right...I'm working a lot of doubles this week, and I've got reading for class. I just can't, it's not a good time right now.
[Maia pours a drink]
Simon: Not a good time to go boating or not a good time to go on a date with me?
Maia: I mean, I had a lot of fun at your family dinner, but just as friends.
Simon: Oh, no, yea, I'm sorry. I totally read that situation wrong, but what else is new. Is this about Clary? Because you know that's past tense.
Maia: It's not about Clary. I like you and I like spending time with you, but just as friends.
Simon: Right. Friends.

Freeform Quotes

Jace: You experimented on me?
Valentine: I made you stronger, faster; more lethal than any other Shadowhunter.
Jace: Why?
Valentine: To create the perfect weapon, the ideal marriage of good and evil: A Shadowhunter with pure demon blood.

Isabelle: Any word from the Clave?
Lydia: Not yet. We've been trying for the past four hours. Something's up.
Magnus: Hmmm. The Clave being unhelpful? Who's shocked?! Show of hands.