Maryse: I am so sorry. This is all my fault.
Isabelle: No, Mama, it's mine.
Maryse: I've been so hard on you, put so much pressure. Of course, you needed a release. Sometimes our angelic duty seems to overshadow everything else. We forget that we're human too.

Simon: So you're not mad that I'm here?
Seelie Queen: On the contrary, I was hoping your friends would invite you along tonight. The "Daylighter rock star."
Simon: Certainly is a notion.
Seelie Queen: I've mentored some of the greatest Seelie musicians. Ever heard of Sia...or Bjork? I can help you too. You can visit my court any time; play your music as my nymphs tend to your every need.
Simon: Why would you do that for me?
Seelie Queen: Because I want to be friends...allies. I feel darker times are coming, Simon. And my feelings are rarely wrong.

Simon: Look, all I want to do is go to college and hang out with my girlfriend. Is that too much to ask?
Luke: About that, I hope you and Clary are, you know, being safe.
Simon: Yeah, totally, but I figured because of the vampire thing, I couldn't really get Clary...
Luke: Woah, I wasn't talk about that. I was talking about the bloodlust.
Simon: Well, if things get too heated, I know how to pull back...
Luke: Just don't get overconfident. I've seen it happen before. You know, temptation and emotion.
Simon: Can we talk about any other topic?!
Luke: Absolutely!

Imogen: Six shadowhunters are dead. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment.
Clary: Isn't fear an emotion? Because that's all this is. Tracking people because of the kind of blood they have, locking them up without recourse. Is that what the Clave stands for?
Imogen: Your idealism is charming, but when they wheel in the next dead Shadowhunter with their runes carved out, what will you tell their families? What will your ideals have done for any of them? Put her downstairs with the vampire.
[They move Maia away]

Dot: How did you know it was me?
Magnus: My powers are widely beyond your understanding...and I saw you crossing the street outside. So have you come to talk me into spitting into a cup for the Clave?
Dot: Kidding me? Look, I'm all for stopping those murders, but when the DNA brigade came knocking, I portal'd out. I had that shop in Salem, this isn't my first witch hunt.
Magnus: I'll drink to that. Oops, it seems I already have.

Maia: So, this rumor about your being Shadowhunter royalty, is it true?
Jace: I don't know. Can it get me free drinks at Hunter's Moon?
Maia: Let's not get crazy.
[They laugh]
Jace: I don't know what I am. I've had three different last names this summer; now I'm a Herondale. All I know is that I'm the same Jace.
Maia: God help us.

Imogen: You had a lot taken away from you, Jace. You come from a line of great and powerful Shadowhunters. From a family revered for generations, and feared by those who oppose all that is good and just. This ring signifies that. This is your birthright.
[Puts necklace on Jace]
Imogen: Now, my boy, you are about to find out what it means to be a Herondale.

Isabelle: I became addicted to vampire venom.
Simon: I had no idea. Are you...?
Isabelle: I'm okay. Actually, I'm great.
Simon: Okay, good. Because, you know, with my mom, there's a lot of ups and downs. And I'm guessing there's not really a 12 step program at the Institute for Shadowhunters. I know a lot of really great groups.
Isabelle: Simon, I'm not a Mundane. I don't do groups. But I do fix Downworlder problems. Come on.
Simon: No, I'm good. I know that staying clean means staying away from Raphael.
Isabelle: Who said anything about going to get Raphael?

Clary: My mother just died. I feel the pain of that every day. I couldn't shut that out even if I could try.
Sebastian: I'm sorry to hear that. And I heard Jace just find out he isn't Valentine's son.
Clary: What does that have to do with anything?
Sebastian: Think about it. Your father has never really been your father, you've just lost your mother, and the brother you thought you had isn't your brother.
Clary: Jace...right before my runes stopped working that's when he told me.
Sebastian: That's what broke it all. The pain of losing the one last person you thought was family. You need to let that in, Clary.
Clary: Believe me I have.
Sebastian: Really?

Simon: Why didn't you tell me? I found out Jace isn't your brother. I was thinking maybe that the reason you didn't tell me is because there's still a thing. So that he's not your big brother...
Clary: No, no, Simon. Okay, look, the reason I didn't tell you is I didn't want you to worry and spin, and instead all I made you do is worry and spin. I'm so sorry.
[They get close]
Simon: So we're good?
Clary: I'm not that easy to get rid of.
[They laugh]

Alec: Magnus, I'm so sorry. For everything you've had to go through.
Magnus: That agony rune...made me relive memories I've spent centuries trying to forget.
Alec: Magnus, tell me how to fix this. Tell me what to do, please.

Isabelle: So, why aren't you in London with your Institute?
Sebastian: I had to kick my yin fen addiction and let's just say London wasn't the best place to do that. So I took matters into my own hands and I found my way to New York.
Isabelle: You went AWOL?
[He laughs]
Sebastian: I like to think of it more like a walkabout. The good news was that I was successful, you can be too.

Freeform Quotes

Jace: You experimented on me?
Valentine: I made you stronger, faster; more lethal than any other Shadowhunter.
Jace: Why?
Valentine: To create the perfect weapon, the ideal marriage of good and evil: A Shadowhunter with pure demon blood.

Isabelle: Any word from the Clave?
Lydia: Not yet. We've been trying for the past four hours. Something's up.
Magnus: Hmmm. The Clave being unhelpful? Who's shocked?! Show of hands.