Valentine: You're my daughter.
Clary: Why would that stop you? Jace is your son. You've hurt him plenty.
[Valentine evil smiles]
Valentine: You didn't tell her.
Clary: Tell me what?
Valentine: You must still have feelings for her, huh? Now isn't that a pickle.
Jace: Not another word.
Clary: What is he talking about?
Valentine: You want to do the honors or shall I?
Jace: Shut up!
[Jace punches Valentine]
Valentine: It's rude to keep a girl waiting, Jace.
Clary: Jace, what is going on?!
Jace: Valentine is not my father...I'm not your brother, Clary.

Maia: How did you get in here?
Simon: I drove.
Maia: Outside? In the sun?! How...what did Valentine do to you?
Simon: Okay, so he slashed my throat open, like completely. And then he used this nuclearized sword and swiped it. The next thing I know...
[He stands by sunny window]
Simon: The sun doesn't frighten me anymore.
Maia: That's it, just like that?
Simon: Yea! Crazy, right?
Maia: Simon, that's amazing. Don't you realize you have something every Downworlder wants?
Simon: A winning personality. You noticed.
Maia: The chance at living a normal life. Simon, you hit the jackpot.
Simon: I never hit the jackpot.

Alec: So are you gonna tell Clary?
Jace: Tell her what?
Alec: She's not your sister.
[They spar]
Jace: You're the only person I've told. She's already lost so much. She's got a good thing going with Simon. You wouldn't want to ruin that?
[Alec pins Jace]
Alec: You can be so irresistible. She's gonna dump him the minute she finds out you're not related.
[They fight and Jace pins Alec]
Jace: And you should worry a little less about my love life, and a little more about your fighting skills.
[Alec taps out]

Isabelle: You're alive.
Raphael: I sped out just in time.
[He reaches for her]
Raphael: I've come to gather what's left of my clan and see if you needed anything?
Isabelle: No.
Raphael: Isabelle, please. I can explain.
Isabelle: No, you can't. I don't want anything from you ever again.
[Isabelle leaves]

Valentine: You are my greatest achievement, Jace.
Jace: I'm not your achievement, I'm your son!
Valentine: No, you are not my son. I'm not your father, Jocelyn is not your mother, Clary...Clary is not your sister.
Jace: More lies.
Valentine: I wish. The truth sword, remember?
[They fight]

Clary: Oh my God! Simon, are you okay?
Valentine: Simon's fine. We've just been having a nice talk. You know he told me your greatest wish was to get to know your old man. Which is fine because it's always been my wish to get to know my daughter. And so, I'm here and waiting for you. And frankly, I've been losing my patience.
[Slices Simon's throat]
Valentine: Vampires have 40 minutes before he turns to dust. Come quickly, Clarissa. He needs blood to survive.
[Hangs up video call]

Jace: I can destroy the Soul Sword.
Magnus: And destroy yourself in the process.

Alec: Look, I guess on every mission I've ever been on I've never felt that type of fear. Ever. And going through I thought you were dead, I was terrified.
Magnus: So was I...
Alec: I guess I...I love you.
Magnus: I love you too.
[They kiss]

Maia: I know about the soul sword. I was there at the party, I heard everything. If Clary touches it, we're all dead.
Luke: And that gives you the right to kill her?
Maia: You think this is easy?! You know me, you know I don't want to hurt anyone.
Simon: Really? It's not what it looked like.
Maia: One life versus millions. If killing Clary is the price of saving the entire Downworld, then I'm willing to pay it. She has to die.
Luke: That is not your decision to make!

Raphael: I wasn't lying about what I said. There's something about her. I haven't felt this way in a long time.
Magnus: You're so hooked on her blood you can't separate your feelings from your addiction.
Raphael: Isabelle and I are no different from you and Alec. And I thought you of all people would understand.
Magnus: If you truly believe that, see if you still feel the same when you're not getting high.

Clary: This is so weird.
Simon: Are my fangs in the way? Because I could totally...
Clary: No, you're fine. It's just the canoe is a little small. Ouch!
Simon: Be careful.
[They shift around]
Clary: I can't believe I let you talk me into this.
[They kiss]
Simon: It's okay. I got you.
Clary: Oh great, in that case we'll just go down together.
Simon: Well, I mean, I'm pretty sure this thing is untippable.
Clary: Oh yea?
Simon: Yea.
Clary: We'll just have to see about that.
[They kiss and takes off his shirt]

Clary: I can't let Valentine activate the soul whatever happens, you can't let him take me alive.
Simon: Alright. Clary, you're kinda freaking me out.
Clary: Trust me, I've thought about it and Magnus was right.
Simon: What are you talking about?
Clary: I would rather die than let Valentine destroy the Downworld. I need you to promise me if Valentine ever gets to me again...
Simon: No, absolutely not!
Jace: I promise. If it ever comes to that, I won't let him take you alive.

Freeform Quotes

Jace: You experimented on me?
Valentine: I made you stronger, faster; more lethal than any other Shadowhunter.
Jace: Why?
Valentine: To create the perfect weapon, the ideal marriage of good and evil: A Shadowhunter with pure demon blood.

Isabelle: Any word from the Clave?
Lydia: Not yet. We've been trying for the past four hours. Something's up.
Magnus: Hmmm. The Clave being unhelpful? Who's shocked?! Show of hands.