Veronica: This is a rerelease in stunning 4D.
Cheryl: Don’t you mean 3D?
Veronica: Oh no, 3D is so 1952. This is 4D, Cheryl. A new fourth dimension of terror.
Dilton Doily: Time is the fourth dimension. Do you mean time?
Veronica: Shut up, Dilton.

Veronica: And you, Reginald? Shall I save you a seat beside me? I mean, surely you know what Jimmy Deane used to do in high school, I hope?
Reggie: What’s that?
Veronica: He was a basketball star, Reggie. Just like you.

Dr. Werthers: In what particular way?
Betty: Well, I’m just now realizing that I don’t think I want to get married. At least not any time soon, maybe never. I want to make an impact on the world. Instead of, or in addition to, just having a family.

Betty: How do you see it?
Dr. Werthers: As an academic institution meant to provide a safe environment where students can challenge themselves intellectually without being morally and physically compromised.
Betty: Well, you obviously haven’t spent any time in gym class.

Betty: You now own the Babylonium?
Veronica: The paperwork was finalized this morning.
Betty: Right, and weren’t you the popcorn girl two days ago?
Veronica: What can I say? Veronica Lodge likes to burn rubber.

Reggie: Hey, Reggie Mantle. I just got recruited to the Bulldogs.
Veronica: Ah, I suspected a tall drink of water like you were a sportsman.
Cheryl: Careful, Veronica, you might get a ticket for speeding.

Cheryl: What if you and I went steady?
Toni: You want steady? How would that work? It’s not like you can pin me, or like we can walk down the halls holding hands.
Cheryl: I know, but it can be just for us. Our secret. Only we know.

Frank: I finally convinced our lead sponsor to recruit an outside. A kid who knows how to win games.
Archie: You know me, I’ll any help we can get. Who is the guy? A ringer?
Frank: Just a farm kid out of McCreedy. Six foot three, 220lbs, pure muscle but fast.
Archie: What’s his name?
Frank: Mantle. Reggie “The Blur” Mantle.
Archie: The Blur?
Frank: Because you never see him coming.

Kevin: Is that how your first time went?
Archie: Kevin, I’m still a virgin too.
Kevin: You are?!
Archie: Yeah.
Kevin: Well, doesn’t that beat all? If I’m a virgin and you’re a virgin, why do I have to go to Twyla and you don’t? Why do I have to prove something and you don’t? It’s funny how the world works.

Kevin: Archie, you’re normal.
Archie: Kevin, so are you!
Kevin: Yeah, I want to be. More than anything. I just want to be like everybody else.

There’s suspending my allowance? And making me get an after-school job? Smithers, this is child abuse! Well, if they think they can break my spirit as if I were a philly, they’re in for a rude awakening.


And if I catch wind of you even saying “hello” to that redheaded pervert. Well … you don’t want to see me frosted, young lady.


The CW Quotes

What is a "Chock'lit Shoppe" and why does it sell burgers?!


Our story is about a town; a small town and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the, decent, innocent. Get closer though and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is "Riverdale".
