Cheryl: I certainly won’t be shaking my poms poms while my brother hovers between life and death.
Clifford Blossom: Oh, yes, you will. You’ll put on your little happy face, and you will cheer your little heart out until your spoiled pink lungs bleed. Or you will suffer a fate worth than Julian’s. Do I make myself clear?

Veronica: I told the boys that too.
Betty: What boys? Archie and Reggie?
Veronica: God no! I actually wanna have some fun.

Betty: What? You’re living at the movie theater?
Veronica: Veronica Lodge is nothing more than a common squatter.

Sheriff Keller: At least all our questions have been finally answered.
Jughead: Are you joshing us? Now I have even more questions!

Jughead: Jeepers!
[Jughead sees the dead body]
Ethel: I told everyone there was a milkman!

Reggie: I might cut out of here.
Archie: You don’t have to do that.
Reggie: Come on, Andrews. I saw you two in the cemetery holding hands. You don’t need a seismograph to pick up those vibrations.
Archie: Okay, Reg, if you say so.
Reggie: I do.

Archie: Riverdale has a funny relationship with Halloween.
Veronica: Dare I ask?
Cheryl: Unfortunately, we don’t embrace All Hallows Eve the same way Greendale does. We have rules in Riverdale.

Sheriff Keller: Mr. Rayberry killed himself. We have established that.
Jughead: No, you established that. I have not established that.

Veronica: This is a rerelease in stunning 4D.
Cheryl: Don’t you mean 3D?
Veronica: Oh no, 3D is so 1952. This is 4D, Cheryl. A new fourth dimension of terror.
Dilton Doily: Time is the fourth dimension. Do you mean time?
Veronica: Shut up, Dilton.

Veronica: And you, Reginald? Shall I save you a seat beside me? I mean, surely you know what Jimmy Deane used to do in high school, I hope?
Reggie: What’s that?
Veronica: He was a basketball star, Reggie. Just like you.

Dr. Werthers: In what particular way?
Betty: Well, I’m just now realizing that I don’t think I want to get married. At least not any time soon, maybe never. I want to make an impact on the world. Instead of, or in addition to, just having a family.

Betty: How do you see it?
Dr. Werthers: As an academic institution meant to provide a safe environment where students can challenge themselves intellectually without being morally and physically compromised.
Betty: Well, you obviously haven’t spent any time in gym class.

The CW Quotes

Alice: These diaries are your past, and your past is crushing you. Edgar says that...
Betty: What, Mom? What does some guru who’s running a heaven’s gate commune for pregnant runaways and wives of serial killers have to say about my diaries?
Alice: We know that you look down on the Farm, Betty. But, Edgar has done nothing but help me. He’s encouraged me to embrace everything that I was ashamed of and become the best version of myself.

Veronica: What's happening out there? Do we know? Is it about me?
Jughead: I have a strong inkling, and no. Also, I'd let it go.
Veronica: Yes, but you're you and I'm me. You do you, girl. I'll be back.
[She leaves]
Kevin: What was it like before she got here? I honestly cannot remember.