Handcuffs would've been fine.


The Hood: You have failed this city. And you know why.
Oliver: Because I got away from you.
The Hood: You were never supposed to have partners. There was never supposed to be a John Diggle. A Felicity Smoak. A Team Arrow. There never was supposed to be a Green Arrow! There was only the mission!
Oliver: I lost sight of that.
The Hood: You lost your city! And now, you know what you have to do to get it... back.

Oliver: On the bight side, if I get impeached, you get promoted.
Quentin: I'm not much of a politician, Oliver.
Oliver: With Diaz running the city, it's not really politics, is it?

Adrian: Hey. What's Vertigo do? Does it show you your worst fear?
Oliver: You're not my worst fear, Adrian. You're nowhere close.
Adrian: Oh. I know. Your worst fear is yourself. Your worst enemy is yourself. Guys like me, Ricardo Diaz, Damian Darhk, Ra's al Ghul, when it comes to destroying you, Oliver,... we all come in second place. You're the one enemy you can't defeat.

Oliver: John. What do you need?
Diggle: Well, Felicity said she need to update the code on my chip. She also said that you would be at City Hall.
Felicity: Well, I said he might be. I didn't say he would be. And yeah, I "Parent Trapped" you, but it was a little naïve of you to think I wouldn't, considering how well you know me. You know?

Dinah: I know I'm the last person who should be giving you relationship advice.
Curtis: Yeah. You're about to give me some.
Dinah: It's more of a life philosophy. Just live in the moment. Because you can only see the stuff that's ahead of you, you don't know what's at the end of the road.

Felicity: Now that we are alone, I know this might not exactly be the right time--
Oliver: You understand that I'm going to be punching people in about sixty seconds, right?
Felicity: Yes, but it's been about a week since you decided that you're not giving John the hood back, and I was just wondering when you were planning on talking to him about that.
Oliver: Well, I'm waiting for the right moment. That moment is not now.
Felicity: That's a fair point.

Ricardo: You don't want to torture him a bit? You know, maybe slit his throat. What happened to all that Russian vengeance I heard so much about?
Anatoly: Is new suit.

Diggle: Oliver, I'm, uh... really sorry about what I said.
Oliver: You apologized already, John. So did I.
Diggle: I know...I know. But what I said about the calls you made, where you brought us, the team, the city, I... I just can't shake them.
Oliver: You can't shake that you said it?
Diggle: I can't shake that it's true. Oliver, for six years, I have followed the chain of command without question, even when my heart told me there was a better way. I trusted it. I trusted you. But the inescapable truth is that people have lost faith in your leadership. Truth is, Oliver, you have become a better man. But with your focus split... a worse leader. The Green Arrow allows you to become the best version of yourself, and I respect that. I respect you. But if I'm gonna be the best version of myself...Oliver, it can't be with you.
Oliver: I hope you find what you're looking for.

William: I'm gonna miss you.
Thea: I'm gonna miss you, too. Just promise me you're gonna watch over your dad, okay?
William: But he's the Green Arrow.
Thea: Yeah, before he was the Green Arrow, he actually used to be really afraid of the dark, and he needed a nightlight in his bedroom until he was [to an approaching Oliver], what, six, sixteen?
Oliver: It was NOT a nightlight. I was... It was not a nightlight. I couldn't sleep with it being pitch black.

Nyssa: This is a horchus dagger. In the League of Assassins, it symbolizes the cutting of marital bonds. [gives the dagger to Oliver] I hereby annul our marriage.
Oliver: Nyssa, as wedding gifts go, this, uh... isn't half bad.
Nyssa: Be well, Oliver.

Oliver: I'm going to miss you so much.
Thea: You will be with me the whole time.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
