Nyssa: I didn't start using a computer until I was 25.
Felicity: That explains a lot.

Felicity: You are unbelievable. I can't believe you did that. You could've seriously hurt John!
Curtis: Just like you guys are going to really hurt the city if you let her go!

Green Arrow: If she dies, that money is lost forever.
Rene: Lost forever. Like Vincent Sobel? Where was Green Arrow when he needed saving?

Oliver: I don't trust you to do the right thing.
Dinah: And what is that? Politely ask Laurel to give back the money?
Oliver: Not kill her.

Man: Are you OK?
Black Siren: I just escaped. I was kidnapped two years ago, I think...I don't know!
Man: What's your name?
Black Siren: Laurel. Laurel Lance.

Laurel: I already told you...
Quentin: I know what you told me, which was a lie. But it is what James said. You hesitated when you killed Sobel.
Laurel: So what if I did?
Quentin: It means there is a piece, maybe just a small piece, but there is a piece of my daughter in you, somewhere! And I'm going to get it out, whatever it takes.

I don't trust anyone's word, Mr. Diaz. I put my faith in data, information. Ones and zeros never lie. This is digital proof that one of you has betrayed me.


I'm never going to let anything happen to you William, ever. And I'm promising you that I'll do everything that I can to make sure nothing happens to me.


This city.. It's prime for a takeover.


William: There's a prep sheet for the trip, and I tried one of the extra credits. (pulls out the sheet from his backpack] Would you take a look at it?
Oliver: Yeah, of course.
William: I meant... Felicity.
Oliver: I'm sure you did, yep.
William: I'm sorry. It's a math problem from the hyperbolic geography in marine organisms, like coral.
Oliver: I do know what coral is, but that's okay.
Felicity: This is a high dimension math problem most people don't get until they're in... 12th grade AP. And it's perfect.

Rene: Hey, man, new Team Arrow's kickin' ass.
Curtis: You know what? I really have to say what we should change our name. Like, what do you guys think of "The Outsiders"?
Dinah: Ooo, ah, I think it was a really awesome book.

Thea: Cool, just like the old days.
Quentin: I'm not that old!

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
