Mel: I'm Sorry. It was stupid.
Maggie: But it was also incredibly brave.

Wait. What's the safe word?


Suck this, Abby.


I love you. You saved my life.


Harry: Bu what if you're wrong?
Mel: But what if I'm right?

I trusted you the first time. I will not make that mistake again.


I've seen things, Jordan. Things that would make a grown man cry. Even a very grown one. Like you.


Maggie: Aren't you a little old to be applying for an assitant manager position?
Jordan: Aren't you a little young to be applying for an assistant manager position?
Maggie: Well I'm 20 if you must know.

Remember your losses, celebrate your victories.


I'm a grown ass woman, okay? I am formidable. And if I make a decision about how to live my life, people need to respect that I am mature enough to deal with the consequences.


Girl? I'm 20 years old dude. I am not a girl.


Harry: And you saw him too? In your dream?
Macy: Yes. He's very seductive.

Charmed (2018) Quotes

Harry: You are witches. Witches who are destined to save the world from impending doom. That's right, you are the Charmed ones. The most powerful trio of witches.
Mel: He's the new women's studies teacher. I knew something was off about him.

You’re better together, your differences are your strengths and nothing is stronger than your sisterhood

Marisol Vera