Albert: Wait! Somebody could see us.
Delia: Yes. It's dangerous. I like it.
Albert: Not if my wife or your fiance found out.

Dad stuck his penis in Becca's vagina. You don't have to love someone to do it.


Harris: I don't think men and women can be friends. I think it's always a lie.
Abby: Did you just quote When Harry Met Sally? I love that movie.

Screw that blended family shit. I'm not blendin' it for anyone.


Jo: OK, either my ears are melting or I just heard you say I am rushing things with Gordon because I almost played hide the pastrami with little Albert.
Delia: Jo, maybe you should just chill out.

Abby, Jesus, I thought I finally met someone who had their shit together.


I think I need to hit the pause button and think about what's next for my future.


Trust me, I am just trying to stay in motion because I am afraid if I stop, I will not be able to get going again, ever!


You passed the GED! That doesn't make you a writer!


Well, this has certainly become the Abby McCarthy show, hasn't it?


Her job is going to a prom! Going to a prom? Not a job!


Abby: You wanna come on Friday?
Harris: Oh my God. Are you asking me to the prom?

Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 2 Quotes

Jake: You know, at a certain point, we're actually going to have to talk about what's going on here.
Abby: I know. Can't we just keep it secret and delicious for now?
Jake: So I want to talk about our relationship and you don't. We are truly Jake and Abby 2.0.

Secrets kill, Jake. Secrets kill.
