[to Gabriel] Without you, how else will all of the African teenagers send in updates to Gossip Girl?


I've done the two-girlfriend thing; I can't do it again.


[still playing 'I Never'] I never slept with Chuck Bass twice. [drinks faster]


[playing 'I Never'] I never slept with Chuck Bass. [drinks]


Nate: Do you remember when you used to make us watch your favorite movies over and over again? Like Tiffany's, Holiday. You used to drive me nuts. I finaly asked you why you like watch movies you've already seen? Remember what you said?
Blair: I like knowing how things are gonna turn out.
Nate: Exactly.

When did everything get so screwed up.


Maybe I should head up to the roof to make it a little more dramatic.


Baruch Atah ay Dios mio! This Passover is going to get its own Spanish Inquisition!

Can you make sure they don't seat me behind Caroline Kennedy? She may be American royalty, but she's a giraffe.


My mom and Cyrus are hosting Passover at my house. I thought first-borns were supposed to be spared.


[to Chuck] The only human contact that you don't pay for is the people in this house.


It was right out of the Old Serena playbook. You could have thrown in a few boys from the lacrosse team and it would have been the Constance mother-daughter luncheon all over again.


Gossip Girl Season 2 Quotes

Serena: Blair will never forgive you for what you did to her.
Chuck: Who told you that little piece of advice, your boyfriend Nate?
Serena: Nate didn't say anything ...
Chuck: Good. I don't think it's wise taking relationship advice from someone in a FAKE relationship. Call me crazy. (pause) Enjoy another night alone with your thoughts.
Serena: Good luck on your suicide mission!

Serena: I still miss Dan sometimes... more than sometimes.
Blair: The only thing lamer than dating Dan Humphrey... is mourning Dan Humphrey.