I was improvising. I didn't have any zucchinis.

This is all feeling a bit masturbatory. Even for me.

Chloe: A list of everyone you've slept with in the past eight weeks.
Lucfier: Right. You'll need a much bigger notepad.

I'm a lover, not a Rolodex.

Lucifer: Are you jealous detective?
Chloe: No. I'm just trying to piece together a timeline. A lot can happen in five minutes.
Lucifer: You can't be suggesting...
Chloe: ...that you slept with her? I'm not.
Lucifer: But that I'm a two-pump chump? If we slept together, she wouldn't have left until the morning. Believe me.

Oh, no. Jana. Always with the tragic timing.

Chloe: I'm glad she showed up.
Lucifer: You are?
Chloe: Yeah. She just kept me from making a big mistake.

You need to see that you're not meant to be together. You belong with your family.


Consider me an emotional jockstrap for the Decker family jewels.

Chloe: I bet you an arm and a leg, mom, that he has no idea what today is.
Lucifer: That's not particularly wise of you to wage your lovely extremities, Detective.

Besides this is my fault. I should have remembered how selfish and thoughtless you can be.


You are lying, Lucifer. To yourself.

Dr. Linda

Lucifer Quotes

Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we're tracking a serial killer.


I hate it when people fight over me.
