Alex: So what're you gonna do in Utah.
Andy: Well, me and my girlfriend haven’t seen each other in a while so we're gonna be like a couple bunny rabbits…
Alex: Wow.
Andy: Hopping all over town.

You guys exhaust me.


Jerry: Where did she come from?
Mitchell: Because she doesn't look like us? That’s offensive.

I think I just broke a nail on a turtle.


Thanks to 35 dollars on the Internet you are looking at the Good Reverend Phillip Humphrey Dunphy.


Half our guests are gay; we're finally giving them a good memory on a school bus.


Mitchell: This is my second favorite suit of yours.
Cam: Second?
Mitchell: Right after your birthday suit.
Cam: Hey! Cut it out, I'm practically a married man.

Don't cry, you'll streak your bronzer.

Mitchell [to Cam]

Cam: Oh my God! It feels like we have one mind and one heart.
Mitchell: And one chair.

That's the fourth Hawaiian shirt he's lost. I'm telling you this is a Dateline story waiting to happen!


You can’t do this. We’re a danger to ourselves. We’re a family of fire starters, poison eaters, and online prostitutes.


Manny: When you first started dating him, what was his nickname for you?
Gloria: Sexy pants.
Manny: Ew. The other one?
Gloria: Bunny.

  • Permalink: Bunny.
  • Rating: Unrated

Modern Family Quotes

You could pretend to get sick at the table. You know cough, stomachache, dealer's choice, I don't care just sell it.


Thank you Uncle Manny!
