Anna: We are definitely not at a point in our relationship where we feel bound to do a lot of stuff we really don't want to do, just because we feel obligated. Which I'm really not good at doing.
Callen: Maybe I'll surprise you.

Deeks: I feel like I'm more confused after you've explained it.
Nell: It's really not that complicated.
Deeks: No more words. There are some things that Deeks doesn't need to understand.

Kensi: Nate, you can't take this away from me. You can't!
Nate: I just want what's best for you and the team. And unfortunately, it may not be the same thing.
Kensi: Listen to me: I belong here.
Nate: Not yet.

All this time hunting for the mole, and now it seems as if the mole is headed straight at us.

Hetty [to Kensi]

Duggan: Henrietta, why didn't you tell me about anything of this sooner?
Hetty: Because I didn't realize what you have to gain until now. I thought my career depended on finding the mole. Now I realize yours does.
Duggan: I don't follow.
Hetty: Taking me down would be big for your career, but not as big as finding the mole.

I feel as though the entire alphabet is after us.


Callen: We're all being targeted by different agencies.
Kensi: Whoever is doing this has a lot of pull.
Callen: And a lot of connections.

Eric: Guys, you're needed up in Ops, ASAP.
Deeks: That's it? No quips?
Sam: No soliliquies?
Deeks: No nerd trivia?
Sam: No show tunes?
Deeks: No flugelhorn?
Eric: Not today.

Callen: Kens, you know I want you back in the field more than anyone.
Kensi: Not more than me.
Callen: And you seem ready. But it's not my decision.
Kensi: You can tell [Hetty] that you think I'm ready.
Callen: And she'll wait until she thinks you're ready.
Kensi: And I am.

Nell: Does anyone else feel really off-balance here?
Kensi: I think that's the point.
Eric: It's like the worst round of Multiball ever.
Nell: My flippers are in overdrive.
Kensi: I'm sorry. What?
Eric: Pinball.
Kensi: People still play that?
Eric: Where have you been? In a coma? ... Too soon, Eric.

A friend and an early mentor always used to say, 'A woman is like a teabag. You never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water.'


Sam: Why would you rob a bank if you already had millions of dollars?
G: It's gotta be something bigger than that.