Try not to burn the building down while I'm gone.


Kensi: This is not just any victim. It's a Navy lieutenant on U.S.
Deeks: That's not good.
Kensi: Not good at all.

Sam: It's a big risk if she smuggled [classified documents] out.
Callen: It's a risk that got her killed.

Mosley: How long would you keep talking if no one stopped you?
Deeks: Many before you have tried to find out.

Kensi: Not all girls like pink. I didn't.
Deeks: That's a shocker.

I mean, it's five o'clock somewhere, huh? Bottoms up!


You'll have to forgive my wife. Couture and happy hour are her two favorite things.


Huh. Look at that. "Captain Ahab was here."

Callen [to Sam]

I dig seasons.


Deeks: I've got to be honest. This is oddly entertaining.
Kensi: I never liked reality shows.

Guns and alcohol, what could go wrong?


Sam: Why would you rob a bank if you already had millions of dollars?
G: It's gotta be something bigger than that.