Interpretor: He says ...
Hetty: I know what he says.

Sam: We need weapons.
Jeff: You mean like these? [Winks at Kensi]. Who's your daddy?
Kensi: Do that again and I'll rip your eye out.
Jeff: I can respect that.

Keane: I don't know what home is.
Hetty: It's with us now.

Callen: I have to say I had my doubts.
Sam: It's OK to be impressed.

Hetty: How do you like my team?
Mosley: I find them extremely loyal ... to you.

Mosley: You don't ever doubt them?
Hetty: No.
Mosley: Why not?
Hetty: Because I hand-picked each and every one of them.

My yoga comes in the form of a single malt these days.

Hetty [to Hidoko]

Jennifer: Guys! I told you I got this!
Sam: You're welcome.

Sam: Jennifer Kim, that tiny North Korean spy who kicked Callen's ass?
Callen: That never gets old for you.
Sam: No.

Nothing says innovation like a good mall.


Deeks: If [Jennifer] double-crosses us, she disrespects [Granger].
Kensi: If she does that, I will take care of her.

Sam: Why would you rob a bank if you already had millions of dollars?
G: It's gotta be something bigger than that.