Mosley: Stolen weapons from Pendleton? Come on, Hetty.
Hetty: Well, after three months in a cage, I am a little rusty.

Welcome to Shadow Ops.

Nell [to Hidoko]

The offer to help with SecNav still stands. You know where to find me.

Hetty [to Mosley]

I've moved on, Martin. So should you.

Kirkin [to Deeks]

I was captured once before by the Russians and escaped. Who's to say I can't do it again?


I've seen my future. It's gray and it's bald.

Deeks [to Kensi]

Eric: This is a long shot.
Nell: The whole plan to save Callen's dad is pretty much a long shot.

Kensi: I was wondering how long the peace would last.
Sam: [Hetty and Mosley] have been going on like that for a half-hour.

Callen: Is this where you give me an answer that says nothing?
Hetty: So it would seem.
Callen: So I should stop asking.
Hetty: That would be best.

Callen: Last I checked, you and I weren't partner material.
Mosley: Then you should check again.

I like to be in control, but I'm not a control freak.

Kensi [to Sam]

Sam: Why would you rob a bank if you already had millions of dollars?
G: It's gotta be something bigger than that.