Kassidy: What are we all talking about?
V: How important it is for Carl to stay in school.

Dominance. Boom.


Lip: What are you doing, Frank?
Frank: Planning my retirement to bask in the spoils of a life well lived.
Lip: You mean leech of your kids and drink booze out of a backpack?

Kassidy: Marry me before you leave, dumbass.
Carl: Okay, fine.
Kassidy: Do you have a fake I.D.?

Lady: This is the lady who's been helping us.
Fiona: What's been going on?
Lady: They're paying us to crash here.

Frank: I'm retiring.
Clerk: Mr. Gallagher, it says here you only worked six weeks in your entire life.

Carl: This is where my first job was. Shooter. Get down.
Kassidi: Oh, my god. This is epic.

Drop the lawsuit. I'll let you out.


Frank: Hi. I'm retiring. I'd like to start receiving my social security benefits.
Clerk: I'm sorry, Mr. Wessels, it says here you're already collecting your benefit.
Frank: What? How can that be? Are you suggesting someone has stolen my identity, committing fraud?

Kassidi: Do you love?
[Handcuffs Carl to the bed.]
Kassidi: Whoa! What the hell?

Lawyer: They are prepared to settle, but they want Sparkles back.
Fiona: My dog?!

We have a moral duty to rip this asshole off.


Shameless Quotes

Everytime she pees on the stick it's bad news and then I get depressed thinking about my husband banging my mom cause we selfishly wanna have a baby with some of our DNA.


Gus: See you at two.
Fiona: Wouldn't miss it.