She ghosted you.


He's always been there for us. When Jerry was in the hospital he was the only person who said he wished he could've visited.


Amy: You can just edit that out, right?
Jonah: Oh, yeah. I didn't even press record this time.

Jonah: Anyway, it's not like your truly considering going off to be an executive at Cloud 9.
Amy: Ha, yeah. I mean, could you imagine? Me going off to the dark side.

Maya: I like you, Amy. That's why I stuck around another day. I just want to make sure you're being careful.
Amy: What do you mean?
Maya: I know about your branch's history with unionizing.
Amy: Mm-hmm.
Maya: And in my experience, these things never go away.
Amy: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Maya: I mean, I'm not saying that you're caught up in all this, but if corporate even thinks that you're helping the union you will be throwing away your future with them.

Bo, stop! You need to take this seriously. I can't keep bailing you out of jail. We have, like, no money.


Attention, employees! Just a reminder that this couch here is not a mobile hotspot. No cellphones, per usual. Don't know why I have to say it again.


Amy and I combined Spotify accounts last night. It just felt like time, you know?


It's kind of a bummer to find out this way that the two of you are raising my baby!


We both know that I just threw on the first thing I found in the store, okay?


Sandra: Jonah's in love with Amy!
Maya: Wait...what?
Amy: What? I don't know that...Jonah is that true?
Jonah: It's true. I love her. Sorry, Kelly. I probably should've told you before telling the entire store, but I am breaking up with you.
Maya: It seems like I should give you guys a little privacy.
Jonah: Uh, no, no, no! Because I need to explain more to you, Kelly. You're a great gal, but Amy and I just have a connection.
Kelly: I hate coming to this stupid store.

Amy: It's like this union is my baby and I don't even get to drop it off at college.
Jonah: Our baby.
Amy: Okay, yeah, sure. You help, obviously. And I love that you have a connection with the baby-
Jonah: Are we still talking about the...?
Amy: The union. Yeah, of course.

Superstore Quotes

It was nice of corporate to wait an entire week before they reminded us we're just as replaceable as Mateo.


Jonah: I think he likes Taylor Swift.
Cheyenne: No, he's back to hating her again.