None of the women are invited to the wedding, besides Dorinda... I want only positive energy around me and I don't feel that way around the other women.


I'm an acquired taste, if you don't like me, acquire some test.


This wasn't a dirty season either. It wasn't trashy and disgusting and dirty and tonight, I can probably tell you that we will all go out to dinner together because we will all choose to go to dinner together and that I have never seen.


This has been a real girl power, bonding thing.


Nobody wants you to fail, they just want you to be honest.


What, we're just making sh*t up? Well then Tom Cruise walked in and I banged him!


We needed a kleptomaniac in the franchise. Her name is now Rinona Ryder.


LuAnn does her best work in the restroom.


Bethenny: Do you believe your own bullshit?
Sonja: Yeah.

If I have one drink I'm buzzed. Two drinks, I'm drunk. Three drinks, I'm yours.


Sonja: I party with John John Kennedy and Madonna all the time.
Dorinda: Well, John John's dead so that's difficult.

Heather: Are you upset that I cut you off?
Bethenny: No, you're just a lot over there today.
Heather: Oh, I haven't even begun.