I don't need your sycophantic laughter. I have some on tape.

Gore Vidal

Homer: I love these covered bridges. It's like driving through cute little houses.
Guy on Hood: That was my house, you moron!

Jameson: That's sweet, I hate sweet. I need photos, photos of Spider-man.
Employee: This is a poetry journal.
Jameson: Okay then I want poems about Spider-Man, and I want them finished before you start, and before you start I want a coffee. And the poems should have the fallowing rhyme scheme, a, b, b, a, a, b, b, a, c, e, d, e, d, d. What are you waiting for, Chinese New Year?

Stop the presses and send my wife some flowers and bring me an anvil! What do you mean you don't work for me, you're hired! Now that you're hired you're fired! Now that you don't work here we can be friends. Now that we're friends how come you never call, some friend you are! I love this business!


Marge: Homer our son joined the army!
Homer: Yeah big deal. By the time Bart is eighteen we're gonna control the world We're China right?

Milhouse: Bart, can we go to Banana Republic? There's a mannequin there I have a crush on.
Bart: Milhouse, that is the most pathetic thing I've ever . . . (sees mannequin) Oh my God, she's beautiful!

Principal Skinner: I'd do anything for my beloved Army.
Recruiter: How about re-enlisting?
Principal Skinner: How about you bite me?

The Army, it's everything you like.

Narration on Recruiter's Film

Sergeant: Gentleman, I'm going to be frank; never before has the ARMY accepted recruits with such low test scores.
Homer: That's an odd way to start handing out medals!

(Homer peers out of a manhole cover at oncoming tanks)
Homer: Bring it on chumps!
(Tank runs over the manhole he's peeping out of)
Homer: Oooh! Fingers, fingers fingers!

Hey baby. Ya' like obstacle courses?


Private: Sir, you can't just invade an American city without authorization.
Colonel: Yes, I can. Congress slipped it into the National Broccoli Day proclamation.

The Simpsons Season 18 Quotes

(On the way to school, Otto stops the bus and offers Metallica a ride; their tour bus has broken down.)
Otto: So what are you waiting for? Hop in.
James Hetfield: (Chuckles) Hop in what?
(The school bus peels away with Bart at the wheel.)
Bart: Look at me, I'm Otto! I'm a hundred years old and I drive a school bus!
Otto: Oh, man. Maybe me and Metallica can go splitsies on a cab.
(Hans Moleman slowly drives by in a pickup truck, with Metallica and their gear in the bed of the truck.)
Kirk Hammett: Hey, loser, we got a ride from a real fan!
Hans Moleman: I used to sleep with Lars' grandmother.
Robert Trujillo: Never listen to our music again!
(Hans Moleman pulls away as Metallica plays an instrumental from the song, "Master of Puppets.")

Wow, your paintings have brush marks. (Gasps) And your statues have weiners!

</i> Homer