(Homer reassures Marge that he will make it home in time for her art show.)
Homer: I would never let you down. Our marriage is like soft-serve ice cream. And trust is the hard chocolate shell that keeps it from melting onto our carpet. In "cone-clusion," here's the scoop: I love you.

Well excuse me for having enormous flaws that I don't work on!

</i> Homer

MARGE! Where are you? Did you change your name? Is it Kelly? KELLY!


Wow, you made a sculpture of Magilla Gorilla!

</i> Homer

Honey, I brought you more sticks. (Homer drops a sack of popsicle-sticks on the bedroom floor). This is the most fun I've ever had giving you wood.


(Squishing an ice cream to his forehead) I'm a unitard!


(Marge's sculptures of Lenny and Carl are stuck together)
Lenny: I can't tell where Carl ends and I begin!
Carl: See, it's statements like THAT that make people think we're gay.

Homie, this sculpting has made me feel so fulfilled! I'm as hopeful and full of life as I was in the years before I met you!


Grampa: I can finally win a gold medal. I came close at the 1936 Olympics. I threw a javelin that barely missed Hitler. But I did hit an assassin who was trying to kill Hitler.
Hitler (in 1936): What is this, Kill Hitler Day?
Grampa: The next time I saw Hitler, we had dinner and laughed about it.

(to Lisa) My brain goo's coming out all artistical, thanks to you.


Marge: Homer, don't drink and drive!
Homer: Fine, I'll drive between sips.

(singing) Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me. I feel so damn lonely, won't someone kill me?! cries in hands And many more!

</i> Moe

The Simpsons Season 18 Quotes

(On the way to school, Otto stops the bus and offers Metallica a ride; their tour bus has broken down.)
Otto: So what are you waiting for? Hop in.
James Hetfield: (Chuckles) Hop in what?
(The school bus peels away with Bart at the wheel.)
Bart: Look at me, I'm Otto! I'm a hundred years old and I drive a school bus!
Otto: Oh, man. Maybe me and Metallica can go splitsies on a cab.
(Hans Moleman slowly drives by in a pickup truck, with Metallica and their gear in the bed of the truck.)
Kirk Hammett: Hey, loser, we got a ride from a real fan!
Hans Moleman: I used to sleep with Lars' grandmother.
Robert Trujillo: Never listen to our music again!
(Hans Moleman pulls away as Metallica plays an instrumental from the song, "Master of Puppets.")

Wow, your paintings have brush marks. (Gasps) And your statues have weiners!

</i> Homer