Glee News

Glee Review: "Hairography"

Glee Review: "Hairography"

Terri's fake pregnancy and Quinn's real one were at the center of this week's Glee episode. Read on for a recap and review.
Posted in: Reviews
Glee Review: "Ballad"

Glee Review: "Ballad"

The members of the glee club teamed up this week to practice their ballads. The result were two hilarious, emotional storylines.
Posted in: Reviews

Glee Clips: Hot for Teacher!

We find out this week on Glee that Rachel has a crush on Will. She isn't the first student to develop such feelings for the singing stud.
Posted in: Glee
Glee Preview: "Ballads"

Glee Preview: "Ballads"

Check out the official Fox promo for "Ballads" here. We've also got a few photos from the episode.
Posted in: Glee
Glee Review: "Wheels"

Glee Review: "Wheels"

Artie and Kurt were featured at length in this episode of Glee. We also learned something important about Sue.
Posted in: Reviews

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
