17 One-Hit TV Wonders

Finding roles on TV these days is much easier than a few years ago, but this list of stars just couldn't branch out from their only hit to date. Read on!

17 TV Shows We Miss More and More Everyday

Face it, even with all the new TV shows arriving on the scene, we still crave some oldies but goodies. Feast your eyes on these and go back to you happy place.

17 Fictional TV Schools That Totally Rule

No matter how bizarre (or even dangerous), we'd have been proud to call any of these fictional TV schools our alma mater. Check them out here!

21 Romances That Were Over Before They Began

Even if a couples seems destined to be together, sometimes circumstances don't work out in their favor. Here are our top picks for romances that were over before they even had a chance to begin.

50 TV Shows Set in the 50 Nifty United States

We're doing a roll call of all fifty states and the great (and not so great) shows set in each one. Take a look to see which show belongs to your state!

17 Devious Home Wreckers

TV shows are filled with A LOT of drama. Much of that drama is caused by relationships and the eventual breakdown of them. Have a look at our gallery of home wreckers!

15 TV Theme Songs That Take Us Way Back

Picking our favorites was impossible, but we came up with some of the most nostalgic theme songs of days gone by. Check out our picks for best vintage theme songs!

19 TV Shows That Lost A Lead

Have a look through our gallery of TV shows that lost a lead character... and continued on without them.

11 TV Characters Who Barely Survived Psycho Stalkers

These television characters have all suffered a tough fate: they've been faced with stalkers.

23 TV Bad Boys We Can't Help But Love

Below you will find a list of the most droolworthy, troublesome, downright badass television bad boys. Here is a list of 23 of our favorites!

21 Scariest Television Characters of All-Time

YIKES! These TV characters still haunt our dreams. Did we include your scariest man, woman or monster from the small screen? Cover up and take a look!

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.