30 Rock Review: "Argus"

30 Rock Review: "Argus"

30 Rock has fallen a bit short lately. "Argus" continued this unfortunate trend. Read our review to learn why.
Posted in: 30 Rock
Grey's Anatomy Review: "Hook, Line and Sinner"

Grey's Anatomy Review: "Hook, Line and Sinner"

Sloane returns to Mark's apartment, just as she's going into labor. Meanwhile Teddy sees Derek's invitation to illustrious cardiothoracic surgeon Tom Evans' as a threat to her future employment at the hospital, and the team work on a crab boat captain who has been stabbed with a giant shark hook. Read our full recap to find out what happened!
Posted in: Grey's Anatomy
Fringe Review: "Brown Betty"

Fringe Review: "Brown Betty"

This is a very unusual episode of Fringe. Anxiety caused by Peter's disappearance leads Walter to smoke some funky marijuana. Walter then tells Olivia's niece a story, and his imagination becomes the setting for a musical mystery put on by the rest of the Division.
Posted in: Fringe
Cougar Town Review: "Letting You Go"

Cougar Town Review: "Letting You Go"

In "Letting You Go", Travis gets accepted to two schools one in California the other twenty minutes from home. Jules tries everything in her powers to get him to stay close to home. Read our full recap to find out what happened!
Posted in: Cougar Town
The Good Wife Review: "Boom"

The Good Wife Review: "Boom"

It's over. Alicia uttered those two words to Peter to close this wonderful episode of The Good Wife. The show just keeps getting better and better.
Posted in: Good Wife
V Review: "Heretic's Fork"

V Review: "Heretic's Fork"

In "Heretic's Fork", Ryan tells Val that he's a Visitor. Meanwhile, Tyler will stop at no end to be with Lisa. Read our full recap to find out what happened!
Posted in: V
NCIS Review: "Moonlighting"

NCIS Review: "Moonlighting"

Last night's NCIS offered a terrific twist, some quality banter and entertaining television throughout. Here's our take on "Moonlighting."
Posted in: NCIS
Parenthood Review: "Perchance to Dream"

Parenthood Review: "Perchance to Dream"

This week's episode is titled "Perchance to Dream", in it Crosby and Jasmine go out on an official date, Kristina is psyched by the chance to help an old acquaintance run for Lieutenant Governor in Sacramento, and Adam gives Drew advice on girls.
Posted in: Parenthood
Glee Review: Saddest. Hour. Ever.

Glee Review: Saddest. Hour. Ever.

Glee aired a depressing hour of television this week. It featured a few beautiful numbers, but not many of the show's most entertaining characters.
Posted in: Reviews
90210 Review: "Multiple Choices"

90210 Review: "Multiple Choices"

With the SATs on the horizon, a lot went wrong for many characters this week. Let's analyze the 90210 episode "Multiple Choices" together.
Posted in: 90210

Reviews Quotes

Yea, thanks. And by thanks I mean, thank you for deciding that I should age, grow old, and probably die from a paper cut. Oh yea, and that I'll never get to do magic again. Because I'm perfect now! Did Professor Lipson tell you? I'm perfectly normal, and we all know magic doesn't come from normal so thank you for deciding that without me.


"You bring home two bands of hippie murderers…"
