Cam: Poker face, poker face.
Mitchell: Ok, now work on your poker voice.

I thought it was a charity event for the need, it turns out it was a charity event FOR the needy!

Now I don’t get what tuna net you dolphins swam into but you guys are drowning out there!

There will be no mourning Knight this afternoon.

We never told Grandma ‘bout the gay.

Lily: Y’all fightin?
Cam: No no sweetie, we’re just having a conversation about how your daddy can be so stuck up.

That’s the worst call since they cast Russell Crowe in Les Miz!!

Mitchell [to Lily]: Wanna get our face painted like a pretty butterfly?
Cam: No I’m not in the mood.

Pepper: My job is to give you a snowflake that makes everyone die with jealousy.
Cam: That's all we've ever wanted.

I'm gonna go over there and be as socially magnetic as I always am, we will put this on the back burner, but underneath know I am fuming.

Would you believe she said I'm the emotionally fragile one? I mean how crazy is that!

She can be meaner than a barn owl at sunset.

Modern Family Quotes

You could pretend to get sick at the table. You know cough, stomachache, dealer's choice, I don't care just sell it.


Thank you Uncle Manny!
