Life sucks when you're ordinary. And what makes you exactly not like them? You're a vampire. You take that cure and become human? You're no one, nothing. Trust me, losing that cure was the best damn thing that ever happened to you.

She's a vampire, off switch is one of the biggest perks.

Unless you're a blonde, Bennett Witch or Doppleganger, I suggest you steer clear.

Do I look like I know anything about tattoos? Look at my skin. It's flawless.

Life sucks. Get a helmet.

Shane: I'll stay here to make sure she's safe.
Damon: I'll stay here to make sure you're not lying.

Everything changes tomorrow. It'll be all unicorns and rainbows.

Klaus: Your brother's lack of communication is infuriating.
Damon: It's one of his trademarks. Like his brooding and his hair.

You do bad things for no reason. You do them to be a dick... if you're gonna be bad, be bad with purpose.

Do you know how hard it is to get these XBox brains to focus?

We're not gonna back off the cure because you were told one too man scary stories, idiot.

Now I know why those hybrids hated you. You are annoying.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Elena: You keep a journal?
Stefan: Memories are too important.

Elena, don't go to the bridge. It's Death, Elena. Your death is waiting there.
