Damon [to Jeremy]: I'm updated our relationship status to: It's Complicated.

I'm setting you free, Elena. This is what I want. This is what will make me happy.

Elena: So what do you want to do?
Damon: I want to throw you back in my bed and never let you leave.
Elena: So do it.

You're not allowed to feel this sorry for yourself, unless you're sitting on a bar stool. Fortunately, I travel with a bar.

Try the sock drawer. People leave the sketchiest things in the sock drawer.

What the Hell is Professor Shady Pants doing here?

This would be so much more fun if we were naked.

I finally got Elena to a good place about being a vampire and you two idiots can't stand that she's happy because of me.

Can't we just let ourselves enjoy one secret selfish day before we destroy his?

Elena: Jeremy can't live with me, Stefan wants to fix me, and Caroline flat out admitted that she doesn't like me this way. Think it's safe to say that I'm not so great at this vampire thing.
Damon: You want to know what I think? I don't think I've ever seen you more alive.

Elena: My brother wants to kill me.
Damon: Welcome to the club.

You know what they say about teenage suicide... don't do it.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...


Damon: My new girlfriend. Andie Starr. Action News.
Alaric: It's not called Action News.
Damon: I know. I like just saying it.