Danny: You're going back with the girls. You're not coming with me.
Madeline: Oh, and you're planning on what? Finding your buddy with the power of your mind? You need me.
Danny: I'm pretty sure I don't need you. Thanks though.
Madeline: Which ways north.
Danny: I know which way north is.
Madeline: Lie. How you start a fire without matches. How are you going to find fresh water?
What if you run into a bear?
Danny: What. Bears? They got bears in there?
Madeline: The fact that you don't know that reason enough for me to go.

Danny: I'm really, really, sorry that your camping trip got spoiled. I'm going to make it up to you, I promise.
Grace: What about Lucy?
Danny: I'm going to do my best, my absolute best to find Lucy.
Grace: I know you will. You can do anything.

Steve: I'm going to teach these how to kill and gut a pig tonight Danny.
Danny: That's actually a horror film.

Danny: What are the odds I get her phone number?
Steve: Zero.
Danny: Ah.

I'm only going to say this once; you might be right about Olivia Victor.

Danny: It's a theory
Steve: It's my gut.
Danny: Does your gut have any evidence we can bring to a prosecutor?

Toast: I can't do this [takes off running]
Danny: Ok, plan B.
Toast: [runs past Danny] This is why you have a Plan B!

Steve: It's a proximity sensor; you have to stay perfectly still.
Danny: What if I can't stay perfectly still?
Steve: This bomb is going to detonate and you and me, both are going to die.

Danny: Where did you get them money?
Nicky: Your mom gave it to me last night.

Danny: Borrowed Time [sigh]
Steve: What's that?
Danny: I have to remember that all of this, the last 10 years with my daughter is all borrowed time.

Because of one day, my daughter will never know what it's like to board a plan without being groped or harassed for 45 minutes.

Danny: So the question is, did he work alone or with someone?
Steve: No, terrorist don't work alone, they work in cells. That way if one guy goes down, his buddy comes in and finishes the job.
Danny: You just said the T word.
Steve: Does this look like the end of something to you? Because to me this is just the beginning.

Hawaii Five-0 Quotes

I just wanted to tell you I'm so sorry, so sorry.

Danny [to Marie]

Dealer: Game's closed unless you have an invitation.
Grover [holding up his badge]: Here's my invitation. It's even engraved.