You're the real stars! Not really.

Kenneth: Oh and the Chilean miners are all out and they're very angry about what you've been saying about them.
Jenna: So I guess they're geniuses for getting stuck in a mine?

Kenneth: A Mr. Brett Fav-ray stopped by and dropped off this picture of a hot dog.
Jenna: Finally.

You embarrassed me in front of all the other mothers! If you think you're going to Sizzler tonight Jenna, you've got another thing coming!

Just a pageant? That's like say a guy is cool 'cause he has just a speedboat.

The writers can't take a car service at night anymore. I've crunched the numbers and it's cheaper for us to just replace anyone who gets murdered.

Jenna: Let's Lez!
Liz: No, I meant a book club or something.

Fidelity, Paul. It's not just the name of a bank that sued me.

Sexual time travel. Just like my Cinemax softcore 'Emanuelle Goes To Dinosaur Land.

Wrong tree, mom.

You don't want to mess with that stuff, Liz. Ice has caused a lot of ODs in the porn community.

Jarem! Look how drunk I am! And how full of cheese my mouth is!