That's a long time for sorrys. That's like saying Happy New Year in October.

Cheryl: Oh my god, is that the ocean?
Larry: Eh, you get used to that in two days

Mary: Kill him, Joseph, kill him!
Larry: Shut up, Mary!

Have you heard of Switzerland? It's a country in Europe and they don't like to fight. They let everybody do their fighting for them while they ski and eat chocolate

A gay Jew in Nazi Germany. He must have had a hard time

Wanda Sykes: Larry, you are an ass man!
Larry: I am not an ass man! I don't have an ass fetish! I am not obssessed with asses

Weatherman: The jet stream is controlled by the rotation of the earth. You know who controls that? God!
Larry: There's a jet stream of bullshit coming out of your mouth, my friend.

I thought he had the "good" Hodgkins.

Masasa: We don't really use "mulatto" anymore.
Larry: I was wondering about that, if that was a bad one.
Masasa: Yeah, it's a bit outdated. But if we all keep fucking each other, then we're all gonna be the same race sooner or later anyways.
Larry: Let's pray for that.

Betty Dusenberry: This is from the Davids. Oh, a doll.
Larry: It's a mulatto.

Cheryl: Why would somebody steal tickets to Monterey?
Larry: Why not? Monterey's a very beautiful place.
Cheryl: Was anything else stolen? Was anything else gone?
Larry: I don't know. I wasn't paying attention.
Cheryl: You know, all our information is on there: our address, our telephone number, ...
Larry: It doesn't matter. He's not going to break into our house. He's going to Monterey

Larry: I don't know why you call him an asshole. He's not an asshole, he's just shy.
Cheryl: No, he's not shy. He thinks he's smarter than ever everbody else and he sits there and he judges and he-
Larry: No, he doesn't, he's just shy! You got shy/asshole confusion, my friend.
Cheryl: No, I don't think so.
Larry: Yes, I think so my friend.

Curb Your Enthusiasm Quotes

Larry: Who do you think has more freedom: the married man in America or the single man in Communist China?

Cheryl: Well, I think you should write a letter of apology to him.
Larry: "Dear prick, why are you such a prick?"