Jane: You think you can keep a secret from me for that long?
Lisbon: I don't think I can, I know I can.
Jane: I admire your confidence.

That is a good question but I am the one asking those right now.

When you have a big secret, it makes you feel important.

Cho: S'mores are better in a microwave. It's true.
Jane: Well, I don't even know what to say to that.

Patrick Jane: You know I could come with you if you wanted me to.
Teresa Lisbon: That wouldn't be any fun for you.
Patrick Jane: Fun's overrated.

Patrick Jane: Do you want me to?
Teresa Lisbon: I would very much like it if you came.

Teresa Lisbon: I'm sorry. My family is messy.
Patrick Jane: Oh, no need. Messy people are good people.
Teresa Lisbon: I'm not messy.
Patrick Jane: You're messy on the inside.

They're not mad at you. They just miss you.

Teresa Lisbon: Would you be surprised if I said I loved you?
Patrick Jane: I'd be lying if I didn't say I'd be moved by that.
Teresa Lisbon: I love you. I said it.
Patrick Jane: I'm surprised.

It's like a master class in dishonesty.

Lay off the anti-depressants. They're making your slow and you're still not happy.

Years from now when you tell Henry this story how will it go? Did the three of you take an evil killer off the street or did you play it safe? Is Henry's birthright going to be one of proud bravery or sensible caution. Tough call.

The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.