Brian: Wish it, Want it, Do it.
Stewie: Love it!

What? Writing's the only thing giving your alcoholism any credibility!


Look at what they used to pack up boxes of your books! Shredded up pieces of your books!


And thanks to Deidre I got some of my own milk to put on my cereal. What? I'm fun.


Coming up next? A boxing match where boxers are bleeding before the fight.

Tom Tucker

Her fists are so dangerous, she's not allowed to be a lesbian.


This is crazy! Is no one really making me flapjacks yet?


For every five seconds I do not have flapjacks, I shall break one window.


In your imagination, I've got long eyelashes.


Quagmire: What can I say? I really like watching her box.
Peter: That means two things.

No matter what you do the rest of your life, you'll always be garbage.


Peter: Man would you look at that? Two smoking hot repeatedly striking each other.
Quagmire: Yeah, it reminds me of Thanksgiving.
Peter: Why does it remind you of Thanksgiving?
Quagmire: 'Cause this is where I come for Thanksgiving.

Family Guy Season 9 Quotes

I can't help feeling this would be sadder if she weren't heavy....


I assumed it was for being able to fart the alphabet, which I almost did before I pooped the "s." Owell, everyone was upset on the bus long before that.
