God, everyone acts like this book is Philip Roth being the worst, but it's actually him being the best. And I know I'm not supposed to like him, because he's a misogynist and he demeans women, but I can't help it. I fucking love his writing.


Hannah: God, I hope someone writes a book about what a cunt I am someday.
Chuck: Do you?
Hannah: Yeah, obviously! What would be better than to ruin someone's life with your wanton sex appeal and icicle-sharp intellect? But I'm half-Jewish, so I don't really see that happening for me.

Hannah: Your bed smells like snacks.
Chuck: I live alone, lady.

I am not a mother, and there's a reason for that. Because childlessness is the natural state of the female author. Okay? Write that down, get used to it.


Hannah: Is being a woman and being a writer as hard as it seems?
Ode: Harder.

  • Permalink: Harder.
  • Rating: Unrated

Well, that got real fast.


I'm also very FRUSTRATE, okay?


I wanna die inside the mouth of a lion with you. And that way we can be together forever, even in the moment of our own death. Your death and my death.


Law and Order – UTI.


Adam! I think I may have been a child sociopath. I mean, I've completely outgrown it, but I'm a miracle. I think I may have to write a term paper on me.


Hermie: How long were we on the community board? Three months? Then you quietly retreated back to dating girls with six-packs and pretending death wasn't real. I'm worried about you Ray. You're smart – you've always been smart – but your priorities are cuckoo-bananas.
Ray: And what, you're some fucking golden example? You hate your wife, you hate your job. The only thing that gives you a glimmer of joy on this planet is recycling soda cans.
Hermie: It's free money!

Adam: This might be it. It explains everything about human nature. How, even with the best of intentions, we can't help but hurt each other. It's like a metaphor for war and corporations and religious strife. All that stuff!
Jessa: Oh my god. We might be a pair of goddamn geniuses.

Girls Quotes

Ok I think I got everything, testicles, spectacles, wallet, and watch.


Jessa: It's pot, do you want some?
Shoshanna: Oh no, I'm hyper enough already.