I know this whole thing is a little scary for you. Last time you were pregnant you kind of did it alone because dad wasn't around much, but this time you have two partners.

Manny [to Gloria]

Claire: It's shaving time, shavy gravy, Shaved by the Bell!
Alex: Why are you talking like dad?

I'm totally pumped. Pumped pumped pumped, Pump up the jam, Pumped up kicks, Pumpedy dumpty, Pumple-stiltskin.


Also though, it will allow for a little more freestyling in the boudoir if we're not having to worry about adding anymore critters.


I'm having a baby at 65. You wanna another surprise Gloria? Buy yourself a box of crackerjacks.


Why don't you call my dad and talk about what a teet-sucking layabout I am?


This family needs a dumbass-ectomy.


Haley: Oh my God, what is that outfit? Are you going goth? You still sleep with a stuffed panda.
Alex: Isn't there a fraternity you need to pass out in?

Haley going to college in a miracle, Lily going to kindergarten is the law.


What if this baby doesn't think things through, it's part Jay!


Do you see what's going on out there? People are walking around judging each other.


I wrapped my son with one hand while driving a stick. I know how to keep my kid safe.


Modern Family Season 4 Quotes

So what you're saying is you have a child shaped hole in your heart and you wanna stuff a cat into it.

Mitchell [to Cam]

Jay was really explicit about what he wanted to do for his 65th birthday, but luckily Phil Dunphy knows how to read between the lines.
