Charlotte: I get what you're doing for Violet.
Cooper: Please tell me you're not changing your mind.
Charlotte: I get that she's your best friend, but there comes a point when you can't have a woman be your best friend because there's a more important woman in your life. Or should be. But you and Violet, it's intimate. And she needs you. And, I think, at the end of the day, you need her. I'm outside of it. It's your thing. Your thing with Violet. And you want me to be a part of it, but I don't have it in me to make it work that way. I'm supposed to be your best friend, Cooper.

Cooper: You need to see someone.
Violet: I'm fine.
Cooper: No. You're a doctor. You need to see Addison or Naomi about the pregnancy today. You sound crap.
Violet: I didn't know you were moving in to be the pregnancy police.

You're a surgeon! It's your instinct to cut, not mine.


Archer: I'm signing myself out.
Naomi: What? Against all medical advice?
Archer: Against your medical advice. Which makes you my doctor, so you have doctor-patient confidentiality.
Naomi: What, wait, wait. You want me to lie to Addison?
Archer: Yes.

Dell: I can't believe it. You, pregnant.
Violet: I don't want anyone to know.
Dell: What about the father? Does he know?
Violet: It's complicated.
Dell: Well you don't owe me any explanations.
Violet: It could be Pete or it could be Sheldon.
Dell: Keeping it local. That's cool.

Cooper: I need a favor, Charlotte.
Charlotte: I need 3 more nurses, 6 more hours in a day, mandatory martinis at lunch, and, oh yes, to know why the man I was sleeping with is living with another woman.

Violet: Looks like you're good at your job.
Dell: Well, I'm not a doctor but, yes, I know a thing or two about pregnant women.
Violet: Stomach cramps?
Dell: Aren't about the baby.
Violet: What are you talking about? I've an alien pea growing inside of me.

Naomi: Teri Hughes' mother came in today.
Violet: Why?
Naomi: We have Teri and Mark's embryos in our freezer and she wants them implanted ... in her. I don't know what to do.
Violet: I do. Say no.
Naomi: Well, I know there are issues with her carrying her own grandchild, and her age, but Sharon seems to-
Violet: I'm not interested in Sharon's reasons. Teri was my patient. I'm interested in what she'd think. And she would never ever want this.
Naomi: But how can you be so sure?
Violet: Teri hated her mother. Giving that woman another child, Teri's child, would have been her worst nightmare.

Cooper: I'm sorry I said no about the marriage, but I did tell you I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Can you tell me what I did wrong that's so unforgivable?
Charlotte: If you really don't get it, I can't help you.
Cooper: Well, we have to talk about this.
Charlotte: No. We don't. And we won't. So save the rest of your earnest little I can make it all better act and leave, okay?

Archer: This is you. Not mad. Like the time I loaned your cashmere sweater to Crystal McCullen.
Addison: She puked on it. She puked up strawberry daiquiri all over my sweater.

Okay. Captured the clot. Removing the coil. Injecting the dye. Now aint that a pretty sight?


Violet: Sharon. Listen to yourself. If motherhood for you was more burden than blessing, why would you want to subject yourself to that again?
Sharon: Because I want it to be different this time.
Violet: But what makes you assume it could be?
Sharon: The pain. I've lived with it every single day while she was alive. Not being what she needed. I kept thinking that at some point I would be able to make the relationship right. I can't bring Teri back but I can have the child that she wanted and give it love and attention and the support that she would have. That she deserved. That every child deserves. I am capable of that.

Private Practice Season 2 Quotes

(to Sam)You suck at being Naomi.


Charlotte: I miss the good old days. When life and death was decided by God instead of doctors.
Violet: Well, we'll be out of jobs.

Private Practice Season 2 Music

  Song Artist
Song Shake It Up The Cars
Home Foo Fighters iTunes
Song Flicker Kathryn Williams