it's like watching Mary Poppins on crystal meth


Sage: I am so sick of you worshiping at the altar of Megan Smith
Rose: What is that supposed to mean?
Sage: You've been acting all righteous ever since her and her poly cotton ass has walked into this house

Okay if I knew you were throwing a pity party I would have whipped up some hors d'oeuvres


Rose: Wait, how can you be done already I'm barely half way
Sage: Well maybe if you didn't all waste your time looking up every other word you'd be done too
Rose: Megan says increasing my vocabulary is the easy the way to boost comprehension
Sage: Well Megan is old

Will: I've been refilling your coffee for over a year now peter, you never had a problem with it before
Peter: I didn't know you wipe your ass with my paychecks before. I'm sorry, was that too blunt?

Why would an American guy join the Italian army? It makes no sense. My ass can write better than Ernest Hemingway


Luis: Nice to meet you
Sage: I wish I could say the same thing, but I hate lying

Rose: I needed a specific kind of porn... Can we go back to chemisrtry?
Megan: Why do you need a specific kind of porn? Why do you need any kind of porn. Why is porn a need? Why can't I stop saying porn?

Sage: If she has to laurel will buy you in to duke just like Parker's dad bought him into brown.
Megan: Hello? If that's the case what am I doing here?
Sage: Good point, don't forget to write

Charles: thereapized?
Megan: It's a new verb I'm working on. Of or related to having too much therapy. It's going to be in the book

I just came to my senses and remembered she's a boyfriend-stealing trampy tramp


Megan: I had to go on a date just so people wouldn't think I was a lesbian..
Marco: I could see that...
Megan: I know I would make such a great lesbian.. but sadly I'm straight

Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

Random kid