Sage [to Luis]: I'm sorry, are you talking to me?
Luis: Hi, I'm Luis
Marco: He's new
Sage: And now you want to touch me? Do you understand the concept of boundaries, Louis?
Luis: It's Luis
Sage: It's irrelevant

Rose: Is megan still out with her dad?
Romie: I don't know, you never ask me about my family
[Romie leaves]
Sage: Does Romie have a family?

Megan: I will give you points for style and delivery, but just so you know I was already planning on telling Laurel
Sage: Oh really? Then you better run
[Sage sends email to Laurel]
Megan: You wicked little...
[Megan takes off running]

Rose: Whatever this is, it smells wonderful
Luis: It's a pot of boiling water
Rose: Well I bet you're going to turn it into something wonderful

You're Rose Baker. You're hot! Come on, the guy had bacne last year, he should be kissing the ground you walk on!


Zack: So what should I do?
Sage: Okay, Rose is a big time romantic, I mean she's seen The Notebook like nine times
Zack: Really? I love that movie
Sage: Yeah, maybe don't share that with everyone. But say if you could be here around six, bring some flowers and just be your dork little self

Will: I've been refilling your coffee for over a year now peter, you never had a problem with it before
Peter: I didn't know you wipe your ass with my paychecks before. I'm sorry, was that too blunt?

Marco: Why don't you write her a Dear John letter while your at it
Charlie: What are you talking about?
Marco: Don't be coy with me Chuckles

Are you deaf AND fat? I just said she was dating someone


Megan: You can't not try because you're afraid your gonna fail... that'd be like not wanting to go on a date because your afraid all guys will cheat on you... that'd be like not writing because your afraid your not gonna get published anyways
Rose: Are we talking about Sex and the City now? Because I loved that movie..

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

Random kid

Marco: oh yes, you and the feisty twin have finally found love. Funny how that happens just as Keith decided to terminate ours
Luis: yeah i heard about that, sorry man
Marco: it's okay, this way the world maintains a love hate balance. I'm happy for you two high school musical looking misfits

Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

Random kid