Are you gonna put those in my ass? Because I'm not even gonna feel that.


Bob: Do we have a problem, PHILIP?
Lip: I don't know, BOB, let's see. You're camped out at my house, you're fucking my mother, and you're talking about stealing my baby brother. Why would we have a problem?

You wish you had a dick as big as mine!

Bob [to Frank]

Two lesbians at home and the promise of cash? Maybe your luck has changed Frank.


I wouldn't exactly call it an orgy, but there were a lot of naked body parts flying around.


Whores don't get cars!!


I get it. I was married to Frank for 18 years, it's like swallowing glass everyday.


Not only did you lie to me about the PCP, you fucked my brother. What's next? You're gonna take up with a black lady man? Oh I forgot that already happened.

Frank [to Monica]

Wanna see me make a Mangina?


Snob Mob: It must be nice not to own a house and have to worry about this stuff.
Fiona: Yeah, it gives me more time to buy drugs and fence stolen goods.

Eat my ass!!!

Debbie [playing video game]

Surround sound bitching is the only thanks I get.


Shameless Quotes

Everytime she pees on the stick it's bad news and then I get depressed thinking about my husband banging my mom cause we selfishly wanna have a baby with some of our DNA.


Gus: See you at two.
Fiona: Wouldn't miss it.