Can you at least take me to a grease monkey so I can at least get lubed up before you f**k me. Or at at least a little courtesy lick. How about a little courtesy lick next time you try to f**k me?


It does email and web browsing and shits in Kyle's mouth? This is the greatest thing ever invented.


Can at least pull over here and get some dinner? Because I at least like to be wined and dined before I get f**ked.


Why don't you at least go across and the street and get some condoms? Because we should at least be safe if you're going to f**k me.


Can I at least borrow some of your lipstick mom? Because I at least want to look pretty the next time you f**k me.


South Park Season 15 Episode 1 Quotes

Why don't you at least go across and the street and get some condoms? Because we should at least be safe if you're going to f**k me.


Can I at least borrow some of your lipstick mom? Because I at least want to look pretty the next time you f**k me.
