Fringe Review: "Jacksonville"

Fringe Review: "Jacksonville"

This week's episode is titled "Jacksonville." A seismic disaster in Manhattan leads Walter to believe it was somehow related to his experiments with William Bell. Agent Dunham must then unlock her ability to save the lives of many.
Posted in: Fringe
House Preview: "5 to 9"

House Preview: "5 to 9"

Ready for a special episode of House? Next week's installment focuses on life in the world of Cuddy.
Posted in: House
Ugly Betty Review: "Chica and the Man"

Ugly Betty Review: "Chica and the Man"

In "Chica and the Man", Wilhelmina is livid when she lays eyes on her drag queen impersonator. Betty gets first award for her blog writing - a Blobby and gets into a huge fight with Daniel about it.
Posted in: Ugly Betty