Duggan: I regret that this is how it must come to an end.
Hetty: No one is sorrier than I, Undersecretary.

The wolves are here for all of us.


Hetty: This house must not fall.
Eric: Does anyone else feel like an abandoned puppy?
Nell: You've got to suck it up, Beagle. You've got work to do.

You're going to be better and faster and stronger, like the Bionic Woman.

Deeks [to Kensi]

Carl: Is this one of your psy-ops designed to break me?
Hetty: Oh, you've been broken for some time, sweetheart. That's why you're here now, for bait.

Anna: Well, that was interesting.
Nell: I think I'm built for this.
Anna: I'll be driving home.

Callen: Sometimes it's better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission.
Sam: Deeks is a bad influence on you.

Eric: The X-Box Games are coming up and we're building up my controller-grip strength. No pain ...
Nell: No weakness.
Deeks: No idea who you two are.

Something reeks of munchkin.


You want to run around Los Angeles like Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, be my guest. But you can not interfere with global security. That's a job for the big boys.

Sullivan/Ferris [to Kensi]

Sam [to Callen]: He's too close to this. He's getting careless, losing focus.
Deeks: But I haven't lost my hearing.

Deeks: This is supposed to be you and I against -
Kip: Yeah, that was before you accused your best friend of murder.