Hehehe, the brain is so stupid.


Homer: Boy, why are your friends so dirty?
Bart: Dunno. Why are your friends such drunks?
Homer: Touche.

Bring out your beds. Bring out your beds.


Why won't someone blame the children?


Well, I'm not one for taking new jobs on a whim. But as we say in the snow plow business, I'm your astronaut.


Oh, I've been listening to this song for three days, and it's only the end of the first verse.


I'm not sure man who eats right and doesn't drink can be good in bed.


Bart: You have some big underpants to fill. I didn't know they made underoos in size 52
Homer: They're called superoos, son, with pictures of the cast of The Expendables.
Bart: More like The Expandables.

Lisa: Bart, why is the dad I've always wished for creeping me out?
Bart: I don't know, cause you're incapable of experiencing joy?
Lisa: Point taken.

He's like a husband in a widow's memory, perfect.


When I look at people I don't see colors; I just see crackpot religions.


Todd: We took the pledge.
Rod: We won't have sex until we're married.
Todd: To each other.

The Simpsons Quotes

Larry: What you got riding on this?
Homer: My daughter.
Larry: What a gambler!

Maggie? Oh, you must be sick. Let's see, what's old Dr. Washburn prescibe? Do you have dropsy? The grippe? Scofula? The vapors? Jungle rot? Dandy fever? Poor man's gout? Housemaid's knee? Climatic poopow? The staggers? Dum-dum fever?

</i> Abe