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The Conners are decorating for Christmas, and Beverly Rose has broken several ornaments, so Dan uses fishing lures for Christmas ornaments. That is until Jackie brings over a beer can Christmas tree she got from a distributor at the Lunch Box.

Nick, the book store owner, and Darlene have been dating for two weeks, and it’s going really well. He brings breakfast over for the family, and that’s when they find out that Nick doesn’t have a cell phone. He says it zaps his energy and keeps him from being present.

Jackie plants the seed of doubt in Darlene, making her think that Nick might be hiding something by not having a phone. Could he be cheating on her?

Darlene buys Nick a phone, but he asks why she got him a gift when he specifically said he didn’t want it. He challenges Darlene to go an entire day without her phone.

While at home, Darlene realizes that she worries about Nick cheating because she cheated on Ben, and if she can do that, then anyone can. She explains that to Nick, who understands and even agrees to keep the new phone.

Becky mentors Isabella, a young woman who dropped out of high school when she had a baby. Becky offers to watch the baby so Isabella can go to the library to study, but Isabella goes to a concert instead. Becky feels betrayed. Then Jackie helps her realize that she’s trying to fix her past by helping these girls, and Isabella’s failures aren’t hers.

Harris sneaks back home to get food. She admits to Becky that she's not living with her boyfriend but is sleeping on someone's sofa. She insists that Becky doesn't tell Darlene.

Louise asks for new bedroom furniture, so Dan tries to sell his current set at a yard sale. He’s asking $2,000 for a 40+-year-old bedroom set and gets upset when he’s only offered $100. Dan figures out that it’s not the bedroom set but what it represents to him. Roseanne saw that set in a catalog when they first got married and fell in love with it. Dan worked two jobs and had the set on layaway to afford it. In the end, he decides to burn it to celebrate what it meant to him and move on.

The Conners
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The Conners Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Nick: Phones suck all of your energy. They keep you from living your life in the present.
Becky: I have no energy and no life, so truly not a problem for me.

It’s a beer can Christmas tree. Just when you think our trash can’t get any whiter.
